Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Laura Lee Rose on Career Coaching
Laura Lee Rose on Career Coaching Laura Lee Rose is a career expert and the head of Rose Coaching. She teaches job seekers both in person and online how to more effectively find a career. She took a moment to discuss why and when you might need a career coach. Why is career coaching so important in the current job market?If you have a coach, you are 95% more likely to achieve your goals. A career coach offers objective assessments and career advancement guidance to help you:Reassess life goals and develop action plansProvide balance between work and lifeStrategize how to deal with stressful situationsMake professional and life decisionsPrioritize projects and timelinesImprove business and working relationshipsAvoid urgent situations involving high risks or challengesIdentify core strengths and maximize their potentialSimplify life to reduce stress and increase productivityManage your time wiselyHow has searching for a job changed over the last few years?In today’s economy, employees are interested in the Total Package. It’s not enough to be technically savvy or an expert in your specific role. Since companies are in the business to make money, you also need to be able to tangibly illustrate how you can make the company money. You need to be able to quantify your performance against the company’s mission and goals. Soft skills, business networking, marketing and lead generation have become important differentials in individual resumes, regardless of the role or job title.What misconceptions about finding a job are you finding out there?The old chronological format is no longer a sufficient resume format. Merely listing previous job titles and task lists will not set you apart from the crowd. Incorporating self-authored short videos, articles, and presentations to quickly illustrate your expertise, personality, and passion for your craft has much more impact.People do business with people they know, like, and trust. Therefore, business networking has also been elevated in finding a job. Social media and LinkedIn applications make it easier to find the right people to connect with.How has technology changed the job search?As mentioned above, you now have multiple ways for prospective employers to get to know you. This is a two-edged sword. While you can show your expertise and promote yourself as an authority in your craft, you can also be caught off-guard. Mixing your professional contacts with your family/friend contacts on Facebook brings along its share of risks.In the old days, it was simpler to keep your private life private. With today’s technology, individuals now need to be mindful of keeping work and personal life both separate and professional.What trends in hiring and human resources should we watch out for?Since many global organizations conduct business via Skype/webcam, teleconferences, and web conference, hiring strategies will start incorporating web conference technology in both their hiring and their the performance eva luation practices. Since many organizations will be hiring remote employees, more focus will be placed on remote employee procedures and how to better manage/evaluate remote employees.Part of the reference checks will include social media checks as well, which is why I recommend individuals keep their personal and professional social media separate.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Cachao essays
Cachao essays His name is Israel Lopez, but he is known as Cachao. His real name is music though. Born into a family who were all bass crazy, at least thirty five members of the Cachao clan have played the double bass at one time or another, either with the Havana Filarmonica, or in popular combos. Some of them, like his older brother the late Orestes played with the Filarmonica under the baton of Eric Kleiber, formerly the conductor of the Berlin Opera Orchestra. Cachao was so young then that they had to build him a soapbox to reach his double bass. He is not only a bass virtuoso, but a composer, arranger and bandleader as well. He also plays the trumpet, the piano, the celesta and the bongos. (Figueroa, 1) But he is not your usual one-man band. His modesty precludes him to claim that he is actually a peer of Charlie Mingus. It is virtually impossible to catch Cachao-or to pin him down to a single instrument, though the double bass is his constant companion. (Someone) It was 1939 when Cachao and his brother created the first mambo which was called what else? Mambo. It derived from the most classical of Cuban rhythms, the danzon. Out of the danzon also the chachacha-and a little later another first by Cachao, the descarga, also called the Cuban jam session. The descarga (which could mean to unload or to release an electric bolt) was another direction the mambo took under Cachao as composer and leader, with the best musicians available playing for fun after hours. They did it for their own pleasure not for money. (Ayala, 2) Fortunately, some of the best descargas were recorded at the time (mid 50s). These pieces were put together and called Como su ritmo no hay dos (Cachao, Like His Rhythm There Is No Other). The latest recording before this masterpiece was an anthology called Forty Years of Cuban Jam Session, homage from Paquito DRivera, which contains Cachaos ...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
A Review of How to Improve E-Commerce Term Paper
A Review of How to Improve E-Commerce - Term Paper Example It has become remarkably easy for people to hack and conduct crimes with the use of technology. Cybercrimes are exceedingly rampant in modern times since everyone is computer savvy and everything is done through the internet. Site security is responsible for making it possible for people, or organizations to conduct business. This paper will review the manner in which it can be made possible. This is through security measures that are put in place to ensure customer data confidentiality. E-commerce is the exchange of goods, services, and products over the internet. This exchange can only be made possible if the internet site that makes this exchange possible is safe (Margherita, 2005). A secure system is ready to make these transactions possible and accomplish them without any side effects. Security is all about the confidentiality, the availability, and integrity of the system (Ghosh, 2001). If these threes aspects are not met, then it is clear that the site security intended to off er security is not dependable. For the audit, helping people understand that people, or organizations value their confidentiality is the most crucial factor. Confidentiality means that whatever happens between the service provider and the clients get whatever they want without having the network oversee what happens between their deals. They cannot, therefore, interfere with the conducting of business. It would be considered a breach of privacy, which is considered a breach in confidentiality (Ghosh, 2001). The other most notable thing is integrity. It is imperative for the sites providing these services to be honest. They are supposed to give the services to clients as they were provided by the service provider. If the services being delivered were to arrive any different from how they were intended, the site’s security would be deemed as incompetent. This means that everyone will be scared of doing business in the way they usually do business. Integrity is the factor that c reates trust among the people or organizations doing online business (Ghosh, 2001). The availability of site security is also something worth noting. It is the availability of security that enables the transactions to be possible. Without them, these transactions would be impossible as crimes would be on the rise. This is since the security systems can be penetrated by anyone with exceptional computer skills and intellect. The site security can impact the conducting of business online with such availability. It can be positive and/or negative. These three aspects are appropriate in the way, and manner that site security can impact the growth and development of e-commerce (Ghosh, 2001). To ensure that the confidential nature of the business is maintained, site security could make some changes to the security systems available. Some of these changes and modifications are aimed at making the clientele feel much safer while conducting some of their businesses. Security features are upgr aded for the complete protection of the customers. These features include; authentication, authorization, and encryption (Smith, 2004). They all lead to the protection of the customers hoping to use the internet to conduct business. Authentication ensures that customers are who they say they are. This is particularly crucial in the site’s security measures to curb the infiltration of customer data. Once this is done, it is extremely easy for customers to access their businesses through the
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Strategic Marketing for The UK confectionery market Term Paper
Strategic Marketing for The UK confectionery market - Term Paper Example SWOT Strengths ïÆ'Ëœ Confectionery sector is recession-proof ïÆ'Ëœ Consumers engage in impulse buying because of targeted advertisements ïÆ'Ëœ Chocolates considered an affordable, harmless indulgence (Adwan, 2003). Weakness ïÆ'Ëœ Rising obesity ïÆ'Ëœ Rising prices ïÆ'Ëœ Consolidation in the market Opportunity ïÆ'Ëœ Sugar-free confectionery fetches better margin for retailers ïÆ'Ëœ This can be introduced for mainstream buyers and not just for the diabetics or the obese population. ïÆ'Ëœ Preference for fair-trade products is high as main competitors switching to fair-trade confectionery (The Fairtrade Foundation 2010). Fair-trade public procurement has strong public support in UK. Threats ïÆ'Ëœ High cocoa price exerts pressure on profit margins ïÆ'Ëœ Sugar-free products more expensive than standard products but gaining popularity ïÆ'Ëœ Three main competitors with rising market share Analysis The opportunities and threats suggest that market for sugar-free confectionery is growing because of rising obesity. The company should focus on fair-trade and people would be willing to pay a premium price for it. Accordingly the marketing strategy should be as follows. ... In the first year of operation it may not be possible to achieve any profits but efforts would be made to ensure no loss too is incurred. Marketing Mix Product – Premium quality sugar-free chocolates catering to a discerning client base as this is the market-demand. Fair trade would be used for production. Price – The price would not be kept too low because low pricing creates an adverse image of the product. To enter the market the right perception is important. Premium pricing attract the target segment but pricing would be formulate taking into account prices of competitors. Promotion – consumers have become conscious of ethical and fair-trade and hence all promotions would carry messages of fair-trade. Introductory slabs can be clubbed with other products such as energy drinks. Advertisements should be made through television, popular dailies, and through magazines. Advertisements should highlight sugar-free element to attract the conscious consumers. Consume r interest should be sustained by changing the advertisements often. Advertisements should be appealing as consumers engage in impulse buying. Place - Distribution should be through all retail outlets, social clubs. It could be sold through kiosks at supermarkets. Online distribution strategy is also picking up and gift packs should be made available through online orders. Energy Drink Background Obesity is on the rise in UK with. Obesity has been linked to the quality of food and drinks consumed, in addition to the sedentary lifestyle which prevents people from visiting the gym or engaging in any sort of physical activity. Due to the quality of food consumed people lack the energy to exercise. People
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Mobile phones Essay Example for Free
Mobile phones Essay Consumers have when choosing between different mobile phone brands. The study was built upon six key attributes (telephone features, connection fee, access cost, mobile-to-mobile phone rates, call rates and free calls) related to mobile phone purchasing respondents had to importance rate. The research showed that consumers with prior experience about a product can predict their choices relatively well, although respondents tended to overestimate the importance of features, call rates and free calls and underestimate the importance of a monthly access fee, mobile-to-mobile phones rates and the connection fee. 1.Demographic factors have an influence on the evaluations of different attributes related to mobile phone choice. Specifically, gender and social class will impact on the evaluations of the attributes as men belonging to higher social class seem to be more technology savvy. 2.Consumers value personal time planning properties in the choice of new mobile phones. Consumers value in smart phones features that enhance their personal time planning (e.g., Jones, 2002). These high-rated features include calendar and e-mail services .However, while synchronization of calendar and e-mail services to PCs has become easy and fast, the importance of time planning in mobile phones becomes more and more important. 3.New technical properties increase consumer willingness to acquire new phone models. Another important aspect that has risen from different studies is that consumers purchase new phones due to the fact that their existing one’s capacity is not appropriate referring to the idea that new technology features such as built-in cameras, better memory, radio, more developed messaging services, and color displays are influencing consumer decisions to acquire new models. Thus it can be expected that new features will influence the intention to acquire new mobile phones. 4.When choosing between different mobile phone models, consumers value larger screen size but the whole phone should be small enough and light to carry in pocket. 5.When choosing between different mobile phone models, consumers value familiar brands. Price of the phone has been identified as a critical factor in the choice of the mobile phone model, especially among younger people. besides new technological advances price is the most influential factor affecting the choice of a new mobile phone model. In addition, it seems that size and brand play to some extent an important role in decision making. Liu (2002) for instance surveyed Asian mobile phone users and found that size of the phone had no impact on mobile phone choice, but this finding might be due to the fact that all competing brands have quite similar sized phones that are small enough. Liu continues that the trend will actually be not towards smaller phones but towards phones with better capability and larger screens. While companies are advertising new models and services that do not yet exist, it according to the paper signals to the market that the company is at the cutting edge of technology and shows what will be available in the very near future. The sales of new phones will then be driven by replacement rather than adoption.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Pro Euthanasia in Steinbecks Of Mice and Men Essay -- essays research
The Ultimate Gift-Euthanasia Prompt: Defend or challenge the notion that George's act of killing Lennie was one of kindness In John Steinbeck's classic novella, Of Mice and Men, George makes the decision of killing Lennie because he knows it is in Lennie's best interest. His act of killing Lennie is not considered criminal. George has good intentions in killing his companion. George is trying to prevent Lennie from being tortured and from his constant desire to please George and not cause trouble. Additionally, Lennie repeatedly places himself in difficult situations, and as a result, brings George into the circumstances. There is a close friendship between George and Lennie, and George had carefully thought out whether or not he should destroy his life. George is faced with witnessing the death of Candy's beloved, old dog and Candy's reaction to his death, which helps George to finalize his resolution. After several years of looking after Lennie, George knows what is best for Lennie, as well as the people around him. George?s act of shooting Lennie can be looked upon as gracious. If Lennie had not left the world and his problems, a large amount of torture would fiercely come his way. The bloodthirsty mob, including the violent, disruptive Curley, has the mindset to demolish this ignoramus who killed Curley?s wife. Because of Lennie?s mental impairment and immaturity, he would not be able to handle such animosity. In saying that Lennie is not to blame for the death of Curley?s Wife, Lennie should not have to face the merciless people at the farm. George knows that Lennie is unable to survive in the world. As disappointing as it is for George to know that he and Lennie will never be able to fulfill their everlasting ... ... sheep dog and Lennie is an exceptional worker. Both Lennie and the dog are shot with Carlson?s gun at the back of their head. Carlson reasons with Candy in explaining that if he shot him in that location it would be painless. In knowing that Lennie was shot in the back of the head, George intentionally did this for him to have a more peaceful, pleasant death. By examining George?s notion to kill Lennie, it is valid to say that his act was one of thoughtfulness and benevolence. Due to Lennie?s retardation, it is difficult for him to be independent. Lennie is able to escape being tortured, taken advantage of, and being so hard on himself just for George?s acceptance. George learns from Candy?s mistake of not killing his dog himself, and George takes the initiative to do it the right way. Euthanasia was a gracious way of George letting Lennie go.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
What are the narrative techniques used by Tennyson in “Mariana”
Alfred Lord Tennyson’s poem, Mariana, follows the story of a jilted woman from Shakespeare’s â€Å"Measure for Measure.†The epigraph of the poem â€Å"Mariana in the moted grange†is taken from a reference of this play, and the narrative techniques within the poem combined with the context of the isolation of the character give us an insight into the melancholy that not only the character of Mariana feels, but perhaps also Tennyson himself. Arguably the most prominent narrative technique used by Tennyson is the imagery within the powm which is an outward manifestation of Mariana’s inward melancholy.The monotonous â€Å"glooming flats†outside of her house reflect her life; she is going nowhere now that she has been jilted and apparently has no wish to! In addition to this, images of isolation prevail throughout the poem, â€Å"The lonely moated grange†. This further adds to the belief that Mariana is cut off from the vibrancy of human life. Tennyson is particularly clever with this narrative technique; giving the description of an inanimate object, such as the â€Å"moated grange†using an human emotion, it allows the reader to reflect this feeling onto the character of Mariana, which further gives insight to the solitude that her character is feeling.The imagery throughout is of vital importance, due to the fact that we learn nothing of the physical appearance of her, yet the bleak desolation of the landscape which she lives in allows the reader to project this image onto her character and gives an insight towards the inner turmoil and isolation that the character is feeling. In addition, the image of decay is one of the most obvious forms of imagery throughout, and further reflects the fact that Mariana’s life is wasting away waiting for a man. . The quotation:â€Å"With blackest moss the flower plots, Were thickly crusted one and all.†suggests the idea that the melancholy Mariana has been feeling has not been a short term thing. The fact that the usually green moss has turned black raises the question that Mariana may be wallowing, and perhaps even enjoying her melancholy, due to the fact that it highlights the amount of time she has been in such a state. This quotation further shows the contrast between what her life could have been, and how she is living now. The mention of â€Å"flower-plots†indicates that her life could have been flourishing and filled with colour, if she allowed it to be so, yet it is simply dark and bleak. This imagery of colour is entwined throughout the verses, with consistent references to â€Å"blacken’d waters†and â€Å"the rounding gray†.A startling piece of imagery which contrasts this darkness is the â€Å"poplar tree†with â€Å"silver green†¦gnarled bark†This is a dominant image throughout the poem, and has been interpreted to be a phallic image of the man who abandoned Mariana, an d is continuing to haunt her life even after he has left. This interestingly reflects the attitudes of the time. Throughout Tennyson’s poetry there are examples of feminism, and critique of the attitudes towards woman at the time. This reflects the Victorian idea that a woman can only be complete with a man in her life, and the life of a woman without a husband is â€Å"dreary†.The sheer melancholy within the poem could perhaps be a further jibe from Tennyson about society at this time, indicating that he believes that the idea that women should live like Mariana if they don’t have a husband is utter nonsense. A further technique used by Tennyson to tell the story within â€Å"Mariana†is the use of the structure. The verse structure â€Å"abab cddc efef†is almost encircling, with the central quatrain having a rhyming couplet in the middle, such asâ€Å"And wild winds bound within their cell, The shadow of the poplar fell†This emphasises th e psychological constraints of Mariana’s depression and depicts further the stasis of her life. The couplet in the middle is trapped, unable to escape due to the constraining verses, which clearly reflects the attitude that Mariana has to life. In addition to this, the verse form is unique to Tenyson and does not follow the traditional verse forms of other poetry, further adding to the idea that Mariana feels alone in life, and that there is nobody that is able to sympathise with her situation. Tennyson uses other language techniques such as onomatopoeia develop the story of â€Å"Mariana†, and is further used to reflect her character. The most brilliant example of this is;â€Å"The doors upon their hinges creak’d; The blue fly sung in the pane; the mouse Behind the mouldering wainscot shriek’d†The density of the onomatopoeia within this section suggests nightmarish and crazy sounds, and screams of despair, and create, as Ebbatson phrased â€Å"a landscape of inertia and loss†, which correlates with the emotions of the character. Furthermore, this quotation offers a stark contrast to the rest of the poem. Tennyson uses powerful words such as â€Å"shriek’d†and â€Å"creak’d†which are a harsh difference to the rest of the poem, which is mainly compiled of inactive verbs such as â€Å"fell†. The abundance of inactive verbs throughout the poem further reflects Mariana’s idleness, and really emphasises the onomatopoeia within this verse to reflect the dramatic sounds made from outside. Pathetic fallacy is a further narrative technique;â€Å"And wild winds bound within their cell,†This is another example of the way Tennyson uses the surroundings to reflect character; Mariana’s consciousness is really a wild wind, but she chooses to keep it imprisoned and â€Å"trapped within their cell†, adding to the perception that she is actually enjoying her melancholy. Th e alliteration of â€Å"wild winds†consequently accentuates the mayhem of her consciousness, and gives the reader further insight into the character. A final technique used by Tennyson is repetition, which is present throughout the poe,. Perhaps the most obvious form of repetition is the refrain, which is repeated at the end of each verse;â€Å"She only said, ‘My life is dreary He cometh not’ she said: She said, ‘I am aweary, aweary, I would that I were dead!†The fact that this is at the end of it gives an insight into the monotony of Mariana’s life, yet it also has an effect of creating annoyance towards the character of Mariana. Evidently as this is the only thing that she can say, it may appear that she is wallowing in her sadness, and further adds to the impression that Tennyson gives off throughout the poem about the feminist aspect. The use of direct speech within this refrain is the only part in the poem where we get a direct view of M ariana. It is therefore more immediate than the rest of the devices used to describe her character in the poem, and could perhaps evoke sympathy. However, it is not only the refrain which is repeated.The repetition of feminine rhymes such as â€Å"dreary/aweary†reflect the feminine nature of the character, and the drawn out nature of these words and the unstressed syllable at the end reflect the languorous nature of the poem and create an effect of infinite weariness. Furthermore, the dramatic change of the final two lines of the refrain in the last stanza offers perhaps the only change to the stasis of the poem, which is a further narrative technique, and the final line â€Å"Oh God that I were dead!†shows that Mariana has come to the decision that she is fed up of living a lfe of shadows and nothingness.In summary, Tennyson uses an abundance of narrative techniques to tell the story of Mariana. Whilst it is essentially a poem of stasis, the methods such as image ry and repetition cleverly give the reader a deeper insight into the character featured in the poem, and have an interesting message about Victorian society concealed within them.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Mcgregors Theories X and Y
Compare McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y style of leadership and consider the types of organizations in which each style of leadership might be most appropriate. Douglas McGregor devised his concept of Theory X and Theory Y in the USA in the 1950’s using a survey of managers, which he then proposed in his book, ‘The Human Side of Enterprise’ in the 1960’s. Theory X states that a manager distrusts his subordinates, believes they don’t enjoy work and therefore must be controlled.Theory Y, on the other hand, speculates that a manager believes their employees enjoy work and wish to contribute, the manager is therefore more likely to include them in the decision making process and employ a more democratic style of leadership (Marcousse 2003). The two theories are not opposite ends of one spectrum, but rather two separate lines of continuum that describes the attitude and perception a manager has of their employees. The type of motivation that the e mployees receive from their manager is down to their management style.These Theories match up with Maslow’s ‘Hierarchy of Needs’. McGregor makes the point that the way in which a manager runs and controls his team has massive impacts on the happiness in employees, relating to esteem and self actualisation. These are two factors of motivation mentioned by Maslow in his theory. In comparing these two theories, X and Y, we must take into account different factors that may affect the two ideas and how they may do so in different scenarios or places of work.The general idea is that Theory Y is the path of the â€Å"enlightened manager†(Chapman 1995) who runs a democratic form of leadership, and that it receives better results than theory X, whose manager employs more of an autocratic dictatorship. However this cannot always be believed. In different cases a manager may do better in his work to tell employees the best and most effective way to complete a task, knowing through experience. FW Taylor (1856-1917) believed in efficiency and complete control of a task provided to the manager.This idea related to such methods as the assembly line, a process broken down into simple tasks and completed individually by a group of workers along a line. Employed by such companies as Ford in the early 1900’s, in producing cars, this method gave great results, however keeping workers motivated was difficult, part of Taylor’s method was to â€Å"devise a pay scheme to reward those who complete or beat tough output targets, but penalize those who cannot, or will not, achieve the productivity Taylor believed was possible. (pg 218) For the manager, Theory X is a self – fulfilling method, the workers are likely to develop a lack in interest in their work and do it solely for the wage (Marcousse 2003). There are two scenarios in which Theory X can escape a degree of criticism for producing a lack of motivation from its workers(Marcousse 2003). The part time worker has partially already given in to the idea that they will not be receiving much independence and delegation of responsibility.This is due to the amount of time they have committed to their work. For example, a part time security guard might be asked to stand guard on a gate for an hour every morning to let personnel through, however once they have completed this task they are unlikely to achieve much more than changing the channel on their TV. The job simply requires a pair of eyes at one point in the morning, and the rest of the time they are simply on call.There is no enjoyment or form of learning with this job; the part time worker is simply there to take home some money at the end of the month, satisfying his basic needs for financial security, a mutual understanding between employer and employee. A large majority of the time there is little for the security guard to watch over. When something does arise that requires more attention, someone of highe r authority is only a phone call away.In this, theory X is the logical management style, as to use theory Y would mean a greater chance of mistakes being made by someone who doesn’t have the same experience and qualifications as the elected official. The other scenario is in a moment of chaos (Marcousse 2003). At this point, due to the limited time scale in such moments, someone needs to take full control and make quick decisive decisions. Such a case is easily understood when put into the confines of an army unit under fire.Someone must give direct orders to keep the enemy under pressure and move their men to safety, or face either death or capture. Theory Y would consume too much time to listen to all possible ideas and make a decision, with young men who have been trained to take orders rather than come up with them. Efficiency is the key in this scenario, Taylor would be completely right in giving total control to a senior soldier to try and ensure the safety of his soldi ers. Encouraging an employee to work for a great amount of time during the week or without the threat of danger
Friday, November 8, 2019
Stalin essays
Stalin essays Stalin did not demonstrate truly wise and honourable leadership of his country, and it was only because of the unstable nature of Europe at this time that the people of Russia trusted and put their faith in him. Stalin was the son of an alcoholic cobbler and a washerwoman, and was all too aware of the privileges of class. He came to loathe anyone wealthier than himself (he even annihilated the Kulaks, a wealthy peasant class) and was obsessed with a vision of liberating his native Georgia from the rule of the Tsars. Trotsky wrote that Stalins hatred of the oppressors was much stronger than his love of the oppressed, and even Lenin did not want Stalin to succeed him. Stalins has often been compared with Hitler, but while Hitler only left graves, devastation and degradation in Germany, Stalin turned a starving, destitute land into a powerful industrial state. However, this gain, and Russias increase in territory in Eastern Europe, came at enormous cost to the Russian people. To understand why Stalin led Russia in the way that he did after the war it is first necessary to go back and see how he operated during World War Two. When the Second World War broke out, Stalin decided to claim neutrality. His idea was that if all the countries of the world went to war with Germany by the end of the war they would all be financially and politically exhausted. Russia, having been at peace, could then rise to be the greatest power in the world and eliminate capitalism. When Stalin decided that it was actually in Russias interest to enter the war he intended to side with a nation(s) that opposed Nazi expansion, but due to his distrust of the west, he ended up as an ally of Germany. He considered Germany to be the lesser of two evils, and Nazi Germany offered him something he could not refuse when it took control of areas of Soviet interest and was willing to give the Baltic States and part of Poland to R...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
30 Baseball Idioms
30 Baseball Idioms 30 Baseball Idioms 30 Baseball Idioms By Mark Nichol The sport nostalgically known as â€Å"America’s Pastime†(though football now reigns supreme) is the source of many evocative idioms whose meanings now extend beyond the baseball diamond. Here are thirty of those phrases and their meanings when used past the warning track. 1. ballpark figure: a rough estimate 2. bat a thousand: a reference to a continuing series of successes, alluding to a baseball player who gets on base every time at bat 3. box score: a count or summary (from the chart on which a games statistical details are recorded; applicable to various sports but originating in reference to baseball) 4. bush league: a sports organization subordinate to the major leagues (referring to the usually rural locations of such teams; can apply to any sport but originated in reference to baseball) 5. curve ball: something unexpected (from the unpredictable trajectory of that type of baseball pitch) 6. go to bat for: support (from the notion of a batter contributing to his team) 7–8. hit a home run/hit one out of the park: be successful 9. in the ballpark: close; said of an estimate (compared to being within the confines of a stadium) 10–11. it’s a whole new ball game/different ball game: a reference to a changed situation 12. keep (one’s) eyes on the ball: maintain focus (compared to a batter concentrating on a pitch) 13. major league: significant, as in a reference to a company that is one of the leaders in its industry or line of business (from the fact that the major leagues are the pinnacle of achievement in sports) 14. off base: wrong, or on the wrong track (from the notion of a player not being in contact with one of the bases) 15. on deck: next in line (from the location designated for the next batter to await his turn) 16. out in left field: said of a person with an eccentric or unusual idea (from the idea of left field being a distant location) 17. out of (one’s) league: said of one who is trying to succeed in an area in which he or she faces superior competition or is striving to achieve too much (originally from baseball but applicable to many sports) 18. (hit it) out of the park: succeed (comparing a success to a home run) 19. pinch hitter: substitute (from the designation of a player taking another’s place at bat) 20. play ball: cooperate 21. play hardball: act aggressively (from the density of a baseball as compared to a softball) 22. rain check: a promise to make good on an offer (from tickets offered for rescheduled sporting events postponed by rain; originated in baseball but applicable to any outdoor sport or event) 23. softball: an easy, noncontroversial question 24. step up to the plate: take responsibility (compared to a player taking his turn at bat) 25. strike out: fail, especially repeatedly 26. strikes against (one): said of more than one disadvantage or mistake a person has against him or her 27. swing for the fences: perform with great effort or intensity (as compared to a baseball player trying to hit a home run) 28. three strikes and you’re out: a reference to someone being given three chances to succeed (analogous to the three strikes a hitter is allowed before being called out) 29. throw (one) a curve: surprise someone with something unexpected or not expected as presented (as compared to a curveball) 30. touch base: contact (compared to a player landing a foot on a base) Video Version Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Expressions category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:50 Incorrect Pronunciations That You Should AvoidExpanded and Extended20 Ways to Cry
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Profiling and Counter-terrorism Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Profiling and Counter-terrorism - Term Paper Example The document addresses four broad approaches of profiling; Crime Scene Analysis (CSA), Diagnostic Evaluation (DE), Investigative Psychology (IP), and Geographic profiling (GP), which employ various techniques of profiling in countering terrorist crimes and attacks. Keywords: Profiling, Crimes, Psychologists, Psychiatrists, Physical and Biological Evidence, Terrorism, Suspects, Offenders, Victims, CSA, DE, Geographical Profiling, IP, Crime Scene Introduction to Profiling and Counter Terrorism Investigations in criminal cases around the world have evolved with time to increase the chances of getting to the lead, which can aid private investigators and police teams to solve the case and catch the law offenders. Terrorism crimes are terrifying incidences and every nation’s federal and local government has to be prepared to handle such cases, either in prevention before or after terror occurrences. Some of these crimes tend to occur in various patterns that can be traced, studied, and enable police investigators know the offenders better. Despite the fact that the perpetrators nowadays carry out their unlawful acts after proper planning and execution, more scientific and advanced methods can still help in profiling. According to Muller â€Å"criminal profiling is the process of using available information about a crime and crime scene to compose a psychological portrait of the unknown perpetrator of the crime†(2000, p. 235). The personal behaviours and characteristics in the criminal cases enable the investigators in analysis of the scene, to be able to make a generalization or a prediction of the future incident. Terrorism cases entail forceful attacks to cause destruction among other threatening or injurious incidences. Sometimes, the victims of terrorism are found dead and their bodies act as centres of study, which give an insight as to why they were chosen as victims for the crime, as well as how the offender thinks and acts. The scene of the cri me can tell a lot of information based on crimes and perpetrators by analysing evidence of weapons and the choice of spot of crime if repeated. In most cases, profiling is used in serial crimes and on serial offenders who desire to sustain their own mythology. Profiling is not only a technique employed by antiterrorism units to counter terrorists threats and attacks, but provide these units in the security and defence departments of the government with necessary strategies they can adopt, while interrogating such offenders, since their psychological aspect has been studied. There are different approaches and types of profiling that enable investigators to narrow their search to possible number of suspected criminals. Types can be DNA, criminal, racial, offender, or victim focused among others that are techniques used in various approaches below. Approaches to Profiling Geographical profiling The approach deals with techniques that support in analysis of location linking to a series of crimes to produce leads on the locations of the offenders, or where they are coming from. Most of the geographical profilers use the network and communication systems to monitor, trace, and analyse the signals to spot the original locations. It has been made easier through
Friday, November 1, 2019
Listening in Communication Process Research Paper
Listening in Communication Process - Research Paper Example These include a situation where the listener is always smiling and nodding their head. Other features could include the listener looking directly at the speaker pretending to be keenly listening. 8 Monopolizing 9 This is the type of non-listening where the listener focuses the listening on themselves but not on the speaker. It is a very selfish form of listening where the listener occasionally tries to divert the topic of discussion to themselves 9 Selective listening 9 This involves the user selecting only a small portion of the topic of discussion. This happens because the listener cannot take in everything said. So they use this type of listening as a tool to filter out some parts of the conversation. 9 Defensive listening 9 This occurs when a person perceives a personal attack on them without intent of criticizing them. For example if someone tells somebody that they have lost weight, they may think that they are being insulted that they are fat but fact will be it was only meant to compliment them. 9 Literal listening 9 This involves the listener becoming insensitive to other peoples’ feelings. This is a type of ineffective listening where the listener ignores the relationship level of the meaning. ... (2011). Essential skills: Essential speaking and listening skills. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. 14 Antos, G. (2011). Handbook of interpersonal communication. The Hague, The Netherlands: Mouton De Gruyter. 14 Burstein, J. (2010). Have you heard?: Active listening. New York, NY: Crabtree Publishing. 15 Keyton, J. (2011). Communication and organizational culture: A key to understanding work experience. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. 15 Keyton, J. (2010). Case studies for organizational communication: Understanding communication processes. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. 15 1.0 Introduction Listening plays a very vital role in the whole communication process. Most people make a mistake of focusing on their speaking ability while forgetting the fact that it doesn’t necessarily mean good speaking will amount to good communication. The ability to listen keenly and effectively is also equally important. Importance of listening is well illustrated in our day to day activitie s and the people we interact with. For effective communication, we have to hear what the other person is saying and it is not just hearing because the acoustics are good or because the other person is speaking in a loud tone, we have to hear because we have taken time to listen carefully. Listening is an art that require to be calculated carefully and consciously. Unfortunately most education systems beginning right from kindergarten to college do not pay attention to equipping learners with effective listening skills. Poor listening is a major barrier to effective communication. It often leads to loss of messages due to wrong interpretation. Therefore listening will require conscious efforts in interpreting sounds, grasping
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