Thursday, December 26, 2019
The Divide Of The Genders - 1313 Words
The Divide of the Genders In the past, there have been many debates about the gender gap happening throughout school systems. Even still to this day, there are many arguments about this topic. Back then, all there was was problems about education. Guys were more privileged than the girls were. For the past decades, this issue has stuck around. Many argue that boys are still more privileged than girls are. But many facts these days say otherwise. There are many people still that believe that schools are biased towards girls. Many think, â€Å"That girls are treated as the second sex in school and consequently suffer, that boys are accorded privileges and consequently benefit,†so these are usually the things many people seem to presume. So these types of ideas have the schools being biased towards girls, which had now, â€Å"... given rise to an array of laws and policies intended to curtail the advantages boys have and to redress the harm done to girls†(Sommers). But t hese statements that are being made are not true. There are many facts that girls hardly suffer. There are now many, â€Å"claims that men are now the second sex and that boys--not girls--are the ones who are in serious trouble†(Kimmel). Yet, in thought, both sides of this debate are very true. That there is a crisis happening among boys. However, they are also both wrong. Yes, there are many logical facts proving that boys are now suffering more than the girls are. â€Å"Let s begin with the evidence of crisis. TheShow MoreRelatedNegotiation And The Gender Divide1768 Words  | 8 Pages200 – W01 November 23, 2016 Women Don t Ask: Negotiation and the Gender Divide Linda Babcock and Sara Laschever Women Don t Ask: Negotiation and the Gender Divide is an informational book great for males and females. This book is overflowing with statistics and studies done on men and women, and how gender influences whether or not they negotiate. It provides real life examples of negotiation differences between the genders. The authors also give solutions, and tries to push women to start askingRead MoreThe Gender Divide Between Men And Women1593 Words  | 7 Pagesthe world have stood up for the rights of their gender in order to eradicate the social inequalities and stereotypes that have been formulated over hundreds of years to convey the impression that women are the inferior gender. This movement stimulated many ideas on the treatment and perception of women as a gender and came with progress but also with opposition. While many acknowledged the oppression toward women in society, others accepted the divide between men and women as only immutable differencesRead MoreEssay on The Segre gation of Gender: Digital Divide1788 Words  | 8 Pagesthe factor of segregation is no longer based on the discrimination of race, but rather the knowledge of digital capabilities. The development of technology and its advancement separates many individuals through its availability. The term â€Å"digital divide†represents the increase in the gap between those who have technology readily available to them and those who do not have access to computers and Internet usage. The lack of access to these technologies and the lack of understanding the digital capabilitiesRead MoreThe Gender Divide At The Homecoming Football Game891 Words  | 4 PagesThis will be an observation report on the gender divide at the homecoming football game. The stands were full of spectators such as: students, parents, faculty members, and fans. The spectators seem to be an equal divide of female and male. Mostly male spectators were at the beer tent. Both teams were male only athletes and the coaches were all male. The referees, linesman, announcer, security were all male as well. Roles that were spilt between genders were the photographers and food truck. OnlyRead MoreThe 1960s Feminist Movement Closing The Gender Divide1312 Words  | 6 PagesMrs. or Ms.: The 1960s Feminist Movement Closing the Gender Divide The 1960s was a decade of Civil Rights Movements, including the Feminist Movement which still affects modern day life. The economic stability post WWII allowed for more attention to be focused on Civil Rights. Because of the financial stability, there was more time to think about the future and for exploring the lack of equal rights among different groups. During World War II, women were trained to do jobs traditionally held by menRead MoreHow Does Fashion Represent the Changing Attitudes to the Gender Divide1899 Words  | 8 Pagesdictated what gender stereotypes should wear and how they should present themselves to the world with their fashion, these rules and ideals are constantly changing and reversing, occasionally blurring the lines between the two. 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The term digital divide refers to the gap between individuals with economicalRead MoreMen And Women Working Out Together1419 Words  | 6 Pageslooks of men and women Deciding to make a video will be more useful and easier to understand the gender workout divides between men and women. Social media both uses men and women, men with big muscles, six-pack, and popping veins. Then women are shown on social media with a skinny waist and a flat stomach. Both genders will see these fit people and will say â€Å"I want to look like that†. This causes both genders to stick to one workout over another. In the video I will add music that appeals to both menRead MoreAnalysis Of Female Solidarity In Edith Somerville And Martin Ross1387 Words  | 6 PagesFemale solidarity is the coming together of woman from different social, cultural and political backgrounds, with shared life experience, in order to make a stand against gender oppression. In The Silver Fox Edith Somerville and Martin Ross explore the nineteenth century political and cultural tensions between the English imperial ambition and the rural, social traditions of the native Irish. This e ssay will explore the coming together of three women Lady Susan, Slaney Morris and Maria Quin in friendshipRead MoreA Discussion Of Class, Gender, And Feminism Essay1484 Words  | 6 PagesClass, Gender, and Feminism In this paper I will be discussing class, race, gender, sex, and how they relate to feminism. The first theme that I will be looking into is the role that social class and gender play in how others view us. The second theme that I will be delving into is the role that social class and gender play in how we view ourselves, and how this affects our role in society. Finally, the third theme that I will be looking at is the harmful nature of letting our differences divide us
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Abraham Lincoln Speech Ethos Essay - 920 Words
Pathos, Logos, Ethos, and Tone Abraham Lincoln was perhaps one of Americas most influential presidents, because of his ability to abolish slavery. Lincoln’s second inaugural speech was given on March 4th, of 1865. The speech addressed the nation to talk about The Civil War, and reconstruction of the nation, along with the evils of slavery, and the return of the south. Logos, pathos, ethos, and tone were all crucial ingredients in Lincoln’s speech because they helped set the mood of the speech, connect to people from an emotional standpoint, provide credibility, and most importantly, provide logical explanation on why they should support him. There are many examples of pathos in Lincoln’s speech. Pathos is how Lincoln is persuading his†¦show more content†¦Another thing that he did to help is reference God a lot. Perhaps the quote that added the most credibility was, â€Å"The almighty has his own purposes.†. This adds to his credibility because ba ck in the 1800’s, everyone was genuinely religious and most people believed in God. By using God in his speech, he really got his word across to most people, and in the process, made himself sound more credible and smarter. Overall ethos is something that Lincon did not have to touch on as much, but he still used some devices to help him. Lastly, there is logos which Lincon used a lot of. Logos would be how he connects to his listeners/viewers throughout logical means. One of the ways that he does this is by again, bringing up lasting peace in this quote. â€Å"With malice towards none; †¦achieve and cherish a just and a lasting peace†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . This is logical and should connect with the people well because war means deaths, money spent, recourses used, possible loss, and family members leaving for war for long periods at a time. This should have been a big factor in helping people support him as president. Another smaller, but still important example is, â€Å"On e eight of the population were colored slaves†¦localized in the southern part of the nation†. This related to people because most of the people already do not support slavery,(which is why Lincon was elected in the first place;Show MoreRelatedRhetorical Analysis Of Abraham Lincoln s Gettysburg Address981 Words  | 4 Pagesâ€Å"Fourscore and seven years ago†¦Ã¢â‚¬ is the statement in which Abraham Lincoln started â€Å"The Gettysburg Address†.152 years ago, Lincoln delivered this well-known speech in front of an audience who was searching for help during a time of war. Some may believe it was not an inspiration why others will say it was. To some Americans, it might have even brought faith. Just like any other work, this essay was composed of a rhetorical situation and rhetorical devices; which can be broken down into specific factorsRead MoreThe Legacy Of The Gettysburg Address1161 Words  | 5 Pagesdesigned today was the civil war of 1861.During t his war president, Abraham Lincoln was in charge. This war lasted four bloody years, many people died and as a response in 1862, Lincoln gave a motivational speech to his people, to not give up and fight for their freedom. The Gettysburg address was a speech that could be described as a proposal argument to the people and backs it up with Aristotelian rhetoric of logos, pathos, and ethos to convince the audience that all the soldiers deaths shouldRead MoreRhetorical Analysis Of Martin Luther Kings I Have A Dream Speech1230 Words  | 5 Pages Rhetorical Analysis Essay on Martin Luther King’s â€Å"I have a dream†speech Professor Hailemarkos Worke ENGL 102 Sefra Belay September 29, 2017 Rhetorical Analysis Essay In Washington DC, on August 28, 1963 was the day that Martin Luther King, Jr. gave his â€Å"I have a dream†speech. According to Kennedy X.J., et al. in their book, The Brief Bedford Reader, Martin Luther King was an American Baptist minister who became the first president of the Southern Christian Leadership ConferenceRead MoreThe Effects Of Imperialism In George Orwells Shooting An Elephant1633 Words  | 7 Pagesmental capabilities. They claim to â€Å"just wanna be average, never expecting to be more that just a brute in vocational education, because of the underwhelming and under-qualified teachers teaching classes that don’t benefit them. Rose’s purpose in this essay is to show the public the flaws of the vocational system in order to affect change in the public school system. His declaration is still apparent today in the failure in some aspects of the public school system and the lack of attention given to thoseRead MoreLibrary Management204752 Words  | 820 PagesThe Evolution of Management Thought    31 managers recognizing the importance of workers and trying to make them happy; instead it emphasized designing jobs that would allow workers to satisfy higher-level needs and utilize more of their potential. Abraham Maslow was one of the early proponents of this school. Maslow’s needs theory is built upon the concept that humans have a hierarchy of needs, starting with the basic physical necessities of food, shelter, and clothing and ascending five steps to theRead MoreDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words  | 1617 Pagestime? 3. Would the students start protesting even more if the principal stopped the newspaper? 4. When the welfare of the school is threatened, does the principal have the right to give orders to students? 5. Does the principal have the freedom of speech to say no in this case? 6. If the principal stopped the newspaper, would he be preventing full discussion of important problems? 7. Would the principal’s stop order make Rami lose faith in him? 8. Is Rami really loyal to his school and patriotic to
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
A Meal to Remember free essay sample
Hey! Sunlit, is it really u? , an excited screaming voice said, giving me a friendly slap on the shoulder. It was two weeks back at my cousins house, in celebration of her birthday party. She arranged a quite big party in the front garden of her house which was nicely decorated with flowers. There was also a band party to cheer the guests with deferent types of musics. Everyone were enjoying the party with a great pleasure while I was sitting in a cradle and watching butterflies flying over the flowers with deep attention.Suddenly when I heard the voice, I looked back and saw young girl of my age who was wearing parrot green skirt with violet tops. As I was noticing the butterflies, so I was puzzled about saying anything to her. Perhaps, she understood my situation and sat beside with a smile. Cant u recognize me? , she said. We will write a custom essay sample on A Meal to Remember or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I was mumbling. Then she showed me a card which was made by me and It had the word MEASURE written on It. After seeing It, I was so delighted and overjoyed that a gave shout and hugged her with great pleasure because she was one of my best friends, relate. Hen I was in seventh grade I left that school. Lull after I have left the school we had contact through phones and we would meet either at her house or mine. In eight grades her father was transferred to another city with his family and it all happened in a sudden, that she could not contact me. I tried to call her for many times but her phone number was changed. That day I couldnt recognize her because there have been no communication between us for seven long years. Both of us were too much happy to meet again after such a long time. E walked in the garden holding each others hand. It felt Just like the old times at school. We gossiped a lot at that day about how our life was going. When it was meal time and we were called to the dining tables and we sat together. The tables were full of delicious dishes which made our mouth water. My aunt came to serve us. First, my aunt served fried rice which is a traditional part of any feast, and then roasted chicken was brought out. The rice was well cooked but wasnt too oily, and the chicken was roasted brown, a bit overdone, just the way I and my cousins preferred.The crust outside was nice and iris, yet the meat was tender and Juicy inside. As I continued eating eagerly I noticed that she had also served shrimps, which was equally mouthwatering. Then she served us Chinese vegetables which had little piece of chickens and was super tasty. We also had good smelling beef curry in front of us. Cold drinks and fruit juices were also served. After the meal, we ate strawberry flavored ice-cream. Finally, after almost an hour, all of us had finished our meal, and kept complimenting my aunt on what an amazing meal it was.It was one of the meals which I will never forget as the sates of the foods were yummy and delicious. The other reason which had made the meal more significant was meeting my best friend after a long time. It gave my friend back to me. All the readers of this event may think what does the word measure meant. It Is the mixture of the first two letters of three best friends membrane, summon and relate. A Meal to Remember By math guests with different types of musics. Everyone were enjoying the party with a great understood my situation and sat beside with a smile. Cant u recognize me? , she said.I was mumbling. Then she showed me a card which was made by me and it had the word MEASURE written on it. After seeing it, I was so delighted and overjoyed that friends, aridity. When I was in seventh grade I left that school. Still after I have left overdone, Just the way I and my cousins preferred. The crust outside was nice and tasty. We also had good smelling beef curry in front of us. Cold drinks and fruit Juices back to me. All the readers of this event may think what does the word measure meant. It is the mixture of the first two letters of three best friends membrane, sunlit and aridity.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
The Prospective Essay Example For Students
The Prospective Essay Companies are traveling more and more places. In these times, major firms are no longer located in the heart of industrial regions. They move to more rural settings and away from the pollution, crime and over inflated land prices. Thus moving the market from the major airports. If many companies want to acquire the big sale or the big contract, they have to go to the client. In most situations airlines are the fastest of all available travel methods. But are airlines the best way and the most economical way to do business in this time and era? Corporate aviation is a viable way for many companies to reach the few and far between potential clients without using the major airports. Therefore, wasting time by commuting to the major city where the airport is located is no longer necessary. By utilizing small aircraft and by landing at the small mom and pop airports, right to where the potential client is located, extra time can be spent selling the company. In this paper the idea of util izing corporate aircraft will be discussed as well as choosing the right aircraft for the needs of a business. Also, there are many factors to decide upon once the aircraft has been considered and determined to be a viable option. A company would have many options to consider in trying to acquire an airplane. Whether to buy or lease, or to hire a separate firm to handle all maintenance and management aspects of owning an airplane. All these subjects will be touched upon and thus selling the prospective. We will write a custom essay on The Prospective specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now In order to do a comparison on which type of aircraft to buy, a base needs to be established. In this study a sample company and its travel habits will be used. A company in Omaha, Nebraska is in the business of selling widgets. The company has been growing and therefore doing a fair amount of traveling to other states. Their travel habits have been one weekly trip to Colorado Springs. Also, to St. Cloud, Minnesota twice a week, 1 weekly trip to Dallas, Texas and finally one miscellaneous trip to any given metropolis hub, for example New York City, New York. A combined total of $3320.00 is being spent on transportation. This amount doesnt include the executives time that is being wasted during travel. The executive sales person makes $200,000 per year not including yearly sales bonuses and an average 50 hour work week . The sales people make an average of $2,000,000 dollars a year in new profits for the company, thus making the salespersons hourly worth $845.00 dollars per hour plus the assistants worth $400.00. A combined total of $1245.00 of revenue per hour. Now, time that is spent in airports and taxi rides and other time consuming problems, such as delays, there is less time spent with clients thus making the earning potential less than what it could be. Now, by utilizing a corporate aircraft, time can be more effectively spent on the customer. How can that be so? The small aircraft can be utilized by bringing the salesperson to the client in a faster and more efficient manner. By landing at a smaller and closer airport, less time is being taken by driving to and from the air field, therefore making it a very cost effective choice for a company to utilize a small aircraft. By following the chart available, the cost of the airplane tickets and time usage can be determined. Included in the time is layovers and driving times to and from the airport plus round trip air time. All prices are coach because there is not a business class or first class available ou t of Omaha. Destination from Omaha PriceTime Colorado Springs$655.005.0hrsAs one can see, flying out of Omaha is no small task and is very expensive. One cost that is also not depicted on this chart is the amount of revenue per hour each trip costs. A combined total of $37,800 of executive sales time is lost. All together the cost of flying commercial is $41,120 per week. How can this number be brought down? By the use of a corporate aircraft time can be saved. Roughly half the time can be recovered from this number. Most of the smaller, private air fields are located directly in, or close to the meeting city. This helps to avoid large crowds and the unwelcome layovers of the larger airports. All of which can save valuable company time. Why choose to have a corporate aircraft? If the company executive using the airplane saves an average of five hours a week by using the airplane, it saves the company at least $6,000 per week in just travel time by the executive. The cost of the average seat mile of a business aircraft is between .30 to .50 cents per seat mile. Therefore making it very affordable. Also, in order to be more adequately prepared than the competition the corporate team can prepare on the aircraft for the up coming presentation. This is saving time, and as shown on the last chart, the company representatives time is worth a great deal of money. The first impression in any new business meeting is very important. The customer realizes that a company means business when they fly into town on their own airplane. The use of a corporate aircraft can also be a great bargaining chip to enhance a new salesperson to the company. Finally, the airplane is a great way to show progress to its competitors making them no t likely to rival your corporation. Since the company shows potential for a corporate aircraft, what type of aircraft should it consider, new or used? That is a very difficult question because the company is very new to the airplane business. There are many more variables that need to be looked at when deciding upon a used aircraft compared to a new aircraft. The company has decided to go with buying a brand new aircraft rather than buying used. The company feels that a purchase of this size should be for an asset not a liability. They do not intend to use an aircraft brokerage firm, but decide to make the decision themselves. Another option they have available to them is whether to purchase a turbo jet aircraft or a turbo prop aircraft. The comparison of the two is needed to establish what the companys needs are in order to make a choice that will be most cost effective for the corporation, not just now but in the future also. Both aircraft are roughly the same size and can sometim es have a considerable difference in price. For this study the two aircraft the company is looking at are the Beechcraft King Air 200 and the Beechjet 400A. .udae492213b36cbd80891eb381e1f4fd0 , .udae492213b36cbd80891eb381e1f4fd0 .postImageUrl , .udae492213b36cbd80891eb381e1f4fd0 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .udae492213b36cbd80891eb381e1f4fd0 , .udae492213b36cbd80891eb381e1f4fd0:hover , .udae492213b36cbd80891eb381e1f4fd0:visited , .udae492213b36cbd80891eb381e1f4fd0:active { border:0!important; } .udae492213b36cbd80891eb381e1f4fd0 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .udae492213b36cbd80891eb381e1f4fd0 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .udae492213b36cbd80891eb381e1f4fd0:active , .udae492213b36cbd80891eb381e1f4fd0:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .udae492213b36cbd80891eb381e1f4fd0 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .udae492213b36cbd80891eb381e1f4fd0 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .udae492213b36cbd80891eb381e1f4fd0 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .udae492213b36cbd80891eb381e1f4fd0 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .udae492213b36cbd80891eb381e1f4fd0:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .udae492213b36cbd80891eb381e1f4fd0 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .udae492213b36cbd80891eb381e1f4fd0 .udae492213b36cbd80891eb381e1f4fd0-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .udae492213b36cbd80891eb381e1f4fd0:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Shylock - Victim or Villian EssayFirst, a summation of both aircraft and how they operate. The Beechcraft Super King Air Be-200 is a twin turbo prop aircraft and a great starter aircraft for any small business. It has seating for eight passengers plus one pilot. Its true air speed is 294 knots and a maximum range of 1,850 miles at 27,000 feet. The interior space is limited to a cabin width of 4.5 feet, cabin height 4.8 feet, and cabin length of 16.7 ft. As one can see, this aircraft does not offer a great amount of space to get up and walk around in. The maximum load the aircraft can operate with is 2,940. The draw back of a turbo prop is the noise that the props make beca use of the placement of the engines to the fuselage. The range is not a problem here, the longest trip would be to New York and the pilot could refuel there. The runway needed to operate the airplane is 3000 feet. This is good because a fair amount of runways are opened to this model. The overall cost would be $3.3 million dollars. The Beechjet 400-A is an 8 passenger 2 pilot aircraft. It also is a great starter aircraft with growth potential. It has a cruising speed of 460 knots and a range of 1,560 miles. The interior cabin is 4.9 feet wide and a height of 4.75 feet. The length of the cabin is 15.6 feet. The length of runway needed to operate the jet is 4,500 feet. The length of field to operate this aircraft inhibits its possibilities. The maximum load weight is 2,490 pounds and that includes 950 pounds of baggage. The main bragging right of this aircraft is its interior options. It offers a wet bar and fully reclining seats. The cost of this aircraft $5.9 million dollars. Both aircraft offer similar options and are relatively close in operational distance. The choosing of an aircraft by price is not the only driving factor for aircraft selection. For example the amount of work that can be done on a turbo prop plane is less productive than on a jet. This is due to the noise and the lower altitudes that the turboprop must fly. The time saved by using the jet is more cost effective. However, the jet needs more runway length for take off compared to the King Air thus making the jet more restricted to which airports it can land at, making the propeller plane more effective. The King Air has smaller interior space which can make the passengers cramped and will not be as forgiving as the Beechjet. The overall opinion within the company is to purchase the Beechjet. It has more potential for growth considering the rapidly expanding company that it will support. The overall ride and safety of the jet far outweighs the necessity for a longer runway. The flying s peed of 460 knots gives the Beech jet the capability to be anywhere at a moments notice. Thus making the it a more feasible choice for this business. Even though the Beechjet is $1.5 million more expensive, the cruise speed will make up the money in travel time by getting passengers to the destination sooner. Since the business has decided that the Beechjet 400 will suit their needs the best, the company now needs to decide on how to purchase this aircraft. They can either use conventional financing, as you would with a vehicle, or by using a number of other options to cover its new investment. For example the use of joint ownership, wet leasing, or dry leasing. The company decides on sole ownership of the corporate jet and is going to finance the entire venture. They based their decision on the profit that could be made through the selling of the used aircraft in the future and also deducting the maintenance costs of the aircraft from taxes. The following chart depicts the financing schedule that the finance company has shown them. The financing is based on a 120 month loan with 10% down payment. Financing termsAircraft Purchase Price $5,900,000Annual Usage 400Aircraft resale value(% of purchase price) 80%Sales Tax 6%Basis for Depreciation $6,254,000Down Payment 10%Aircraft Loan (includi ng sales tax)$5,628,600 Monthly payments (120 months @ 7.00%)$46,905By deciding to go with a corporate jet the company is now paying $47,000 in ownership costs per month. By using a corporate aircraft the company will show an initial savings of $117,480 dollars a month by way of the commercial aviation routes cost. The benefit of owning this aircraft is a definite improvement for the business and the financial strength for this corporation. .u07e63e440cf6f217c7b378894962ef74 , .u07e63e440cf6f217c7b378894962ef74 .postImageUrl , .u07e63e440cf6f217c7b378894962ef74 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u07e63e440cf6f217c7b378894962ef74 , .u07e63e440cf6f217c7b378894962ef74:hover , .u07e63e440cf6f217c7b378894962ef74:visited , .u07e63e440cf6f217c7b378894962ef74:active { border:0!important; } .u07e63e440cf6f217c7b378894962ef74 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u07e63e440cf6f217c7b378894962ef74 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u07e63e440cf6f217c7b378894962ef74:active , .u07e63e440cf6f217c7b378894962ef74:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u07e63e440cf6f217c7b378894962ef74 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u07e63e440cf6f217c7b378894962ef74 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u07e63e440cf6f217c7b378894962ef74 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u07e63e440cf6f217c7b378894962ef74 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u07e63e440cf6f217c7b378894962ef74:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u07e63e440cf6f217c7b378894962ef74 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u07e63e440cf6f217c7b378894962ef74 .u07e63e440cf6f217c7b378894962ef74-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u07e63e440cf6f217c7b378894962ef74:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Homeless in America EssayFinancing costs are not the only debit that the company will incur. The other two major areas that need to be covered are insurance and fixed base operation costs. Both are two very important bills that are required in order to own and operate an airplane safely and efficiently. Insurance for the aircraft is very similar to what an individual would need for a vehicle. However, one major difference in the decision for insurance between a vehicle and a corporate jet is a value of several million dollars. Insurance is broken into three main areas; physical damage, sometimes referred to as hull insurance, aircraft liability insurance, and airport liability insurance. Hull insurance is basically what it sounds like. It covers the aircraft against any physical damage that it might incur. Aircraft liability insurance covers third parties that are associated with the aircraft. This type of insurance protects the owner of the aircraft from any liability suits that occur during flight operations. For example, any unforeseen accidents which may occur while passengers are on board the aircraft. Finally, airport liability insurance is used to cover the owner who rents or owns a hanger at an airport. The insured is covered against any accidents that might occur at any of the ground locations around the aircraft. Insurance is very complicated and should be approached carefully with sound mind and a good lawyer. To make insurance as simple as possible, the insurance will be approximately 6% of the cost of the aircraft. In this scenario the insurance will be $30,087 per month. Now that the aircraft has been purchased, who will run the day to day maintenance of this aircraft? This company does not have the experience to handle all the maintenance schedules and employment that this aircraft demands. The company has decided to contract out to a fixed base of operations firm. This firm will basically run the everyday flight operations, hanger fees, refueling, inspection and safety schedules, and all general maintenance. The price of this service, for example, would be dependent on the aircraft usage. About 10% of the initial investment of the aircraft will suffice as the operational costs. Finally making the monthly operations cost $49,166. This study has shown a number of different areas that must be considered to purchase an aircraft. One might ask if the whole investment was worth this companys attention. When the company was using strictly commercial schedules, it was losing very valuable time which cost the company $164,480 dollars per month. Now, by utilizing the corporate aircraft, operating costs would be $126,158 dollars a month. Using the jet aircraft instead of commercial aviation not only saves the company $38,000 dollars per month but it has the flexibility to go anywhere at anytime.Bibliography:Works CitedFlint, Perry and Henderson, Danna K. (March 1997). American at Bay. Air Transport World, 28(September1998). American Airlines Homepage(online). Available: 1997). History of American Airlines(online). Available: 1998). Oneworld Alliance(online). Available:
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Laura Lee Rose on Career Coaching
Laura Lee Rose on Career Coaching Laura Lee Rose is a career expert and the head of Rose Coaching. She teaches job seekers both in person and online how to more effectively find a career. She took a moment to discuss why and when you might need a career coach. Why is career coaching so important in the current job market?If you have a coach, you are 95% more likely to achieve your goals. A career coach offers objective assessments and career advancement guidance to help you:Reassess life goals and develop action plansProvide balance between work and lifeStrategize how to deal with stressful situationsMake professional and life decisionsPrioritize projects and timelinesImprove business and working relationshipsAvoid urgent situations involving high risks or challengesIdentify core strengths and maximize their potentialSimplify life to reduce stress and increase productivityManage your time wiselyHow has searching for a job changed over the last few years?In today’s economy, employees are interested in the Total Package. It’s not enough to be technically savvy or an expert in your specific role. Since companies are in the business to make money, you also need to be able to tangibly illustrate how you can make the company money. You need to be able to quantify your performance against the company’s mission and goals. Soft skills, business networking, marketing and lead generation have become important differentials in individual resumes, regardless of the role or job title.What misconceptions about finding a job are you finding out there?The old chronological format is no longer a sufficient resume format. Merely listing previous job titles and task lists will not set you apart from the crowd. Incorporating self-authored short videos, articles, and presentations to quickly illustrate your expertise, personality, and passion for your craft has much more impact.People do business with people they know, like, and trust. Therefore, business networking has also been elevated in finding a job. Social media and LinkedIn applications make it easier to find the right people to connect with.How has technology changed the job search?As mentioned above, you now have multiple ways for prospective employers to get to know you. This is a two-edged sword. While you can show your expertise and promote yourself as an authority in your craft, you can also be caught off-guard. Mixing your professional contacts with your family/friend contacts on Facebook brings along its share of risks.In the old days, it was simpler to keep your private life private. With today’s technology, individuals now need to be mindful of keeping work and personal life both separate and professional.What trends in hiring and human resources should we watch out for?Since many global organizations conduct business via Skype/webcam, teleconferences, and web conference, hiring strategies will start incorporating web conference technology in both their hiring and their the performance eva luation practices. Since many organizations will be hiring remote employees, more focus will be placed on remote employee procedures and how to better manage/evaluate remote employees.Part of the reference checks will include social media checks as well, which is why I recommend individuals keep their personal and professional social media separate.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Cachao essays
Cachao essays His name is Israel Lopez, but he is known as Cachao. His real name is music though. Born into a family who were all bass crazy, at least thirty five members of the Cachao clan have played the double bass at one time or another, either with the Havana Filarmonica, or in popular combos. Some of them, like his older brother the late Orestes played with the Filarmonica under the baton of Eric Kleiber, formerly the conductor of the Berlin Opera Orchestra. Cachao was so young then that they had to build him a soapbox to reach his double bass. He is not only a bass virtuoso, but a composer, arranger and bandleader as well. He also plays the trumpet, the piano, the celesta and the bongos. (Figueroa, 1) But he is not your usual one-man band. His modesty precludes him to claim that he is actually a peer of Charlie Mingus. It is virtually impossible to catch Cachao-or to pin him down to a single instrument, though the double bass is his constant companion. (Someone) It was 1939 when Cachao and his brother created the first mambo which was called what else? Mambo. It derived from the most classical of Cuban rhythms, the danzon. Out of the danzon also the chachacha-and a little later another first by Cachao, the descarga, also called the Cuban jam session. The descarga (which could mean to unload or to release an electric bolt) was another direction the mambo took under Cachao as composer and leader, with the best musicians available playing for fun after hours. They did it for their own pleasure not for money. (Ayala, 2) Fortunately, some of the best descargas were recorded at the time (mid 50s). These pieces were put together and called Como su ritmo no hay dos (Cachao, Like His Rhythm There Is No Other). The latest recording before this masterpiece was an anthology called Forty Years of Cuban Jam Session, homage from Paquito DRivera, which contains Cachaos ...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
A Review of How to Improve E-Commerce Term Paper
A Review of How to Improve E-Commerce - Term Paper Example It has become remarkably easy for people to hack and conduct crimes with the use of technology. Cybercrimes are exceedingly rampant in modern times since everyone is computer savvy and everything is done through the internet. Site security is responsible for making it possible for people, or organizations to conduct business. This paper will review the manner in which it can be made possible. This is through security measures that are put in place to ensure customer data confidentiality. E-commerce is the exchange of goods, services, and products over the internet. This exchange can only be made possible if the internet site that makes this exchange possible is safe (Margherita, 2005). A secure system is ready to make these transactions possible and accomplish them without any side effects. Security is all about the confidentiality, the availability, and integrity of the system (Ghosh, 2001). If these threes aspects are not met, then it is clear that the site security intended to off er security is not dependable. For the audit, helping people understand that people, or organizations value their confidentiality is the most crucial factor. Confidentiality means that whatever happens between the service provider and the clients get whatever they want without having the network oversee what happens between their deals. They cannot, therefore, interfere with the conducting of business. It would be considered a breach of privacy, which is considered a breach in confidentiality (Ghosh, 2001). The other most notable thing is integrity. It is imperative for the sites providing these services to be honest. They are supposed to give the services to clients as they were provided by the service provider. If the services being delivered were to arrive any different from how they were intended, the site’s security would be deemed as incompetent. This means that everyone will be scared of doing business in the way they usually do business. Integrity is the factor that c reates trust among the people or organizations doing online business (Ghosh, 2001). The availability of site security is also something worth noting. It is the availability of security that enables the transactions to be possible. Without them, these transactions would be impossible as crimes would be on the rise. This is since the security systems can be penetrated by anyone with exceptional computer skills and intellect. The site security can impact the conducting of business online with such availability. It can be positive and/or negative. These three aspects are appropriate in the way, and manner that site security can impact the growth and development of e-commerce (Ghosh, 2001). To ensure that the confidential nature of the business is maintained, site security could make some changes to the security systems available. Some of these changes and modifications are aimed at making the clientele feel much safer while conducting some of their businesses. Security features are upgr aded for the complete protection of the customers. These features include; authentication, authorization, and encryption (Smith, 2004). They all lead to the protection of the customers hoping to use the internet to conduct business. Authentication ensures that customers are who they say they are. This is particularly crucial in the site’s security measures to curb the infiltration of customer data. Once this is done, it is extremely easy for customers to access their businesses through the
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Strategic Marketing for The UK confectionery market Term Paper
Strategic Marketing for The UK confectionery market - Term Paper Example SWOT Strengths ïÆ'Ëœ Confectionery sector is recession-proof ïÆ'Ëœ Consumers engage in impulse buying because of targeted advertisements ïÆ'Ëœ Chocolates considered an affordable, harmless indulgence (Adwan, 2003). Weakness ïÆ'Ëœ Rising obesity ïÆ'Ëœ Rising prices ïÆ'Ëœ Consolidation in the market Opportunity ïÆ'Ëœ Sugar-free confectionery fetches better margin for retailers ïÆ'Ëœ This can be introduced for mainstream buyers and not just for the diabetics or the obese population. ïÆ'Ëœ Preference for fair-trade products is high as main competitors switching to fair-trade confectionery (The Fairtrade Foundation 2010). Fair-trade public procurement has strong public support in UK. Threats ïÆ'Ëœ High cocoa price exerts pressure on profit margins ïÆ'Ëœ Sugar-free products more expensive than standard products but gaining popularity ïÆ'Ëœ Three main competitors with rising market share Analysis The opportunities and threats suggest that market for sugar-free confectionery is growing because of rising obesity. The company should focus on fair-trade and people would be willing to pay a premium price for it. Accordingly the marketing strategy should be as follows. ... In the first year of operation it may not be possible to achieve any profits but efforts would be made to ensure no loss too is incurred. Marketing Mix Product – Premium quality sugar-free chocolates catering to a discerning client base as this is the market-demand. Fair trade would be used for production. Price – The price would not be kept too low because low pricing creates an adverse image of the product. To enter the market the right perception is important. Premium pricing attract the target segment but pricing would be formulate taking into account prices of competitors. Promotion – consumers have become conscious of ethical and fair-trade and hence all promotions would carry messages of fair-trade. Introductory slabs can be clubbed with other products such as energy drinks. Advertisements should be made through television, popular dailies, and through magazines. Advertisements should highlight sugar-free element to attract the conscious consumers. Consume r interest should be sustained by changing the advertisements often. Advertisements should be appealing as consumers engage in impulse buying. Place - Distribution should be through all retail outlets, social clubs. It could be sold through kiosks at supermarkets. Online distribution strategy is also picking up and gift packs should be made available through online orders. Energy Drink Background Obesity is on the rise in UK with. Obesity has been linked to the quality of food and drinks consumed, in addition to the sedentary lifestyle which prevents people from visiting the gym or engaging in any sort of physical activity. Due to the quality of food consumed people lack the energy to exercise. People
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Mobile phones Essay Example for Free
Mobile phones Essay Consumers have when choosing between different mobile phone brands. The study was built upon six key attributes (telephone features, connection fee, access cost, mobile-to-mobile phone rates, call rates and free calls) related to mobile phone purchasing respondents had to importance rate. The research showed that consumers with prior experience about a product can predict their choices relatively well, although respondents tended to overestimate the importance of features, call rates and free calls and underestimate the importance of a monthly access fee, mobile-to-mobile phones rates and the connection fee. 1.Demographic factors have an influence on the evaluations of different attributes related to mobile phone choice. Specifically, gender and social class will impact on the evaluations of the attributes as men belonging to higher social class seem to be more technology savvy. 2.Consumers value personal time planning properties in the choice of new mobile phones. Consumers value in smart phones features that enhance their personal time planning (e.g., Jones, 2002). These high-rated features include calendar and e-mail services .However, while synchronization of calendar and e-mail services to PCs has become easy and fast, the importance of time planning in mobile phones becomes more and more important. 3.New technical properties increase consumer willingness to acquire new phone models. Another important aspect that has risen from different studies is that consumers purchase new phones due to the fact that their existing one’s capacity is not appropriate referring to the idea that new technology features such as built-in cameras, better memory, radio, more developed messaging services, and color displays are influencing consumer decisions to acquire new models. Thus it can be expected that new features will influence the intention to acquire new mobile phones. 4.When choosing between different mobile phone models, consumers value larger screen size but the whole phone should be small enough and light to carry in pocket. 5.When choosing between different mobile phone models, consumers value familiar brands. Price of the phone has been identified as a critical factor in the choice of the mobile phone model, especially among younger people. besides new technological advances price is the most influential factor affecting the choice of a new mobile phone model. In addition, it seems that size and brand play to some extent an important role in decision making. Liu (2002) for instance surveyed Asian mobile phone users and found that size of the phone had no impact on mobile phone choice, but this finding might be due to the fact that all competing brands have quite similar sized phones that are small enough. Liu continues that the trend will actually be not towards smaller phones but towards phones with better capability and larger screens. While companies are advertising new models and services that do not yet exist, it according to the paper signals to the market that the company is at the cutting edge of technology and shows what will be available in the very near future. The sales of new phones will then be driven by replacement rather than adoption.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Pro Euthanasia in Steinbecks Of Mice and Men Essay -- essays research
The Ultimate Gift-Euthanasia Prompt: Defend or challenge the notion that George's act of killing Lennie was one of kindness In John Steinbeck's classic novella, Of Mice and Men, George makes the decision of killing Lennie because he knows it is in Lennie's best interest. His act of killing Lennie is not considered criminal. George has good intentions in killing his companion. George is trying to prevent Lennie from being tortured and from his constant desire to please George and not cause trouble. Additionally, Lennie repeatedly places himself in difficult situations, and as a result, brings George into the circumstances. There is a close friendship between George and Lennie, and George had carefully thought out whether or not he should destroy his life. George is faced with witnessing the death of Candy's beloved, old dog and Candy's reaction to his death, which helps George to finalize his resolution. After several years of looking after Lennie, George knows what is best for Lennie, as well as the people around him. George?s act of shooting Lennie can be looked upon as gracious. If Lennie had not left the world and his problems, a large amount of torture would fiercely come his way. The bloodthirsty mob, including the violent, disruptive Curley, has the mindset to demolish this ignoramus who killed Curley?s wife. Because of Lennie?s mental impairment and immaturity, he would not be able to handle such animosity. In saying that Lennie is not to blame for the death of Curley?s Wife, Lennie should not have to face the merciless people at the farm. George knows that Lennie is unable to survive in the world. As disappointing as it is for George to know that he and Lennie will never be able to fulfill their everlasting ... ... sheep dog and Lennie is an exceptional worker. Both Lennie and the dog are shot with Carlson?s gun at the back of their head. Carlson reasons with Candy in explaining that if he shot him in that location it would be painless. In knowing that Lennie was shot in the back of the head, George intentionally did this for him to have a more peaceful, pleasant death. By examining George?s notion to kill Lennie, it is valid to say that his act was one of thoughtfulness and benevolence. Due to Lennie?s retardation, it is difficult for him to be independent. Lennie is able to escape being tortured, taken advantage of, and being so hard on himself just for George?s acceptance. George learns from Candy?s mistake of not killing his dog himself, and George takes the initiative to do it the right way. Euthanasia was a gracious way of George letting Lennie go.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
What are the narrative techniques used by Tennyson in “Mariana”
Alfred Lord Tennyson’s poem, Mariana, follows the story of a jilted woman from Shakespeare’s â€Å"Measure for Measure.†The epigraph of the poem â€Å"Mariana in the moted grange†is taken from a reference of this play, and the narrative techniques within the poem combined with the context of the isolation of the character give us an insight into the melancholy that not only the character of Mariana feels, but perhaps also Tennyson himself. Arguably the most prominent narrative technique used by Tennyson is the imagery within the powm which is an outward manifestation of Mariana’s inward melancholy.The monotonous â€Å"glooming flats†outside of her house reflect her life; she is going nowhere now that she has been jilted and apparently has no wish to! In addition to this, images of isolation prevail throughout the poem, â€Å"The lonely moated grange†. This further adds to the belief that Mariana is cut off from the vibrancy of human life. Tennyson is particularly clever with this narrative technique; giving the description of an inanimate object, such as the â€Å"moated grange†using an human emotion, it allows the reader to reflect this feeling onto the character of Mariana, which further gives insight to the solitude that her character is feeling.The imagery throughout is of vital importance, due to the fact that we learn nothing of the physical appearance of her, yet the bleak desolation of the landscape which she lives in allows the reader to project this image onto her character and gives an insight towards the inner turmoil and isolation that the character is feeling. In addition, the image of decay is one of the most obvious forms of imagery throughout, and further reflects the fact that Mariana’s life is wasting away waiting for a man. . The quotation:â€Å"With blackest moss the flower plots, Were thickly crusted one and all.†suggests the idea that the melancholy Mariana has been feeling has not been a short term thing. The fact that the usually green moss has turned black raises the question that Mariana may be wallowing, and perhaps even enjoying her melancholy, due to the fact that it highlights the amount of time she has been in such a state. This quotation further shows the contrast between what her life could have been, and how she is living now. The mention of â€Å"flower-plots†indicates that her life could have been flourishing and filled with colour, if she allowed it to be so, yet it is simply dark and bleak. This imagery of colour is entwined throughout the verses, with consistent references to â€Å"blacken’d waters†and â€Å"the rounding gray†.A startling piece of imagery which contrasts this darkness is the â€Å"poplar tree†with â€Å"silver green†¦gnarled bark†This is a dominant image throughout the poem, and has been interpreted to be a phallic image of the man who abandoned Mariana, an d is continuing to haunt her life even after he has left. This interestingly reflects the attitudes of the time. Throughout Tennyson’s poetry there are examples of feminism, and critique of the attitudes towards woman at the time. This reflects the Victorian idea that a woman can only be complete with a man in her life, and the life of a woman without a husband is â€Å"dreary†.The sheer melancholy within the poem could perhaps be a further jibe from Tennyson about society at this time, indicating that he believes that the idea that women should live like Mariana if they don’t have a husband is utter nonsense. A further technique used by Tennyson to tell the story within â€Å"Mariana†is the use of the structure. The verse structure â€Å"abab cddc efef†is almost encircling, with the central quatrain having a rhyming couplet in the middle, such asâ€Å"And wild winds bound within their cell, The shadow of the poplar fell†This emphasises th e psychological constraints of Mariana’s depression and depicts further the stasis of her life. The couplet in the middle is trapped, unable to escape due to the constraining verses, which clearly reflects the attitude that Mariana has to life. In addition to this, the verse form is unique to Tenyson and does not follow the traditional verse forms of other poetry, further adding to the idea that Mariana feels alone in life, and that there is nobody that is able to sympathise with her situation. Tennyson uses other language techniques such as onomatopoeia develop the story of â€Å"Mariana†, and is further used to reflect her character. The most brilliant example of this is;â€Å"The doors upon their hinges creak’d; The blue fly sung in the pane; the mouse Behind the mouldering wainscot shriek’d†The density of the onomatopoeia within this section suggests nightmarish and crazy sounds, and screams of despair, and create, as Ebbatson phrased â€Å"a landscape of inertia and loss†, which correlates with the emotions of the character. Furthermore, this quotation offers a stark contrast to the rest of the poem. Tennyson uses powerful words such as â€Å"shriek’d†and â€Å"creak’d†which are a harsh difference to the rest of the poem, which is mainly compiled of inactive verbs such as â€Å"fell†. The abundance of inactive verbs throughout the poem further reflects Mariana’s idleness, and really emphasises the onomatopoeia within this verse to reflect the dramatic sounds made from outside. Pathetic fallacy is a further narrative technique;â€Å"And wild winds bound within their cell,†This is another example of the way Tennyson uses the surroundings to reflect character; Mariana’s consciousness is really a wild wind, but she chooses to keep it imprisoned and â€Å"trapped within their cell†, adding to the perception that she is actually enjoying her melancholy. Th e alliteration of â€Å"wild winds†consequently accentuates the mayhem of her consciousness, and gives the reader further insight into the character. A final technique used by Tennyson is repetition, which is present throughout the poe,. Perhaps the most obvious form of repetition is the refrain, which is repeated at the end of each verse;â€Å"She only said, ‘My life is dreary He cometh not’ she said: She said, ‘I am aweary, aweary, I would that I were dead!†The fact that this is at the end of it gives an insight into the monotony of Mariana’s life, yet it also has an effect of creating annoyance towards the character of Mariana. Evidently as this is the only thing that she can say, it may appear that she is wallowing in her sadness, and further adds to the impression that Tennyson gives off throughout the poem about the feminist aspect. The use of direct speech within this refrain is the only part in the poem where we get a direct view of M ariana. It is therefore more immediate than the rest of the devices used to describe her character in the poem, and could perhaps evoke sympathy. However, it is not only the refrain which is repeated.The repetition of feminine rhymes such as â€Å"dreary/aweary†reflect the feminine nature of the character, and the drawn out nature of these words and the unstressed syllable at the end reflect the languorous nature of the poem and create an effect of infinite weariness. Furthermore, the dramatic change of the final two lines of the refrain in the last stanza offers perhaps the only change to the stasis of the poem, which is a further narrative technique, and the final line â€Å"Oh God that I were dead!†shows that Mariana has come to the decision that she is fed up of living a lfe of shadows and nothingness.In summary, Tennyson uses an abundance of narrative techniques to tell the story of Mariana. Whilst it is essentially a poem of stasis, the methods such as image ry and repetition cleverly give the reader a deeper insight into the character featured in the poem, and have an interesting message about Victorian society concealed within them.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Mcgregors Theories X and Y
Compare McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y style of leadership and consider the types of organizations in which each style of leadership might be most appropriate. Douglas McGregor devised his concept of Theory X and Theory Y in the USA in the 1950’s using a survey of managers, which he then proposed in his book, ‘The Human Side of Enterprise’ in the 1960’s. Theory X states that a manager distrusts his subordinates, believes they don’t enjoy work and therefore must be controlled.Theory Y, on the other hand, speculates that a manager believes their employees enjoy work and wish to contribute, the manager is therefore more likely to include them in the decision making process and employ a more democratic style of leadership (Marcousse 2003). The two theories are not opposite ends of one spectrum, but rather two separate lines of continuum that describes the attitude and perception a manager has of their employees. The type of motivation that the e mployees receive from their manager is down to their management style.These Theories match up with Maslow’s ‘Hierarchy of Needs’. McGregor makes the point that the way in which a manager runs and controls his team has massive impacts on the happiness in employees, relating to esteem and self actualisation. These are two factors of motivation mentioned by Maslow in his theory. In comparing these two theories, X and Y, we must take into account different factors that may affect the two ideas and how they may do so in different scenarios or places of work.The general idea is that Theory Y is the path of the â€Å"enlightened manager†(Chapman 1995) who runs a democratic form of leadership, and that it receives better results than theory X, whose manager employs more of an autocratic dictatorship. However this cannot always be believed. In different cases a manager may do better in his work to tell employees the best and most effective way to complete a task, knowing through experience. FW Taylor (1856-1917) believed in efficiency and complete control of a task provided to the manager.This idea related to such methods as the assembly line, a process broken down into simple tasks and completed individually by a group of workers along a line. Employed by such companies as Ford in the early 1900’s, in producing cars, this method gave great results, however keeping workers motivated was difficult, part of Taylor’s method was to â€Å"devise a pay scheme to reward those who complete or beat tough output targets, but penalize those who cannot, or will not, achieve the productivity Taylor believed was possible. (pg 218) For the manager, Theory X is a self – fulfilling method, the workers are likely to develop a lack in interest in their work and do it solely for the wage (Marcousse 2003). There are two scenarios in which Theory X can escape a degree of criticism for producing a lack of motivation from its workers(Marcousse 2003). The part time worker has partially already given in to the idea that they will not be receiving much independence and delegation of responsibility.This is due to the amount of time they have committed to their work. For example, a part time security guard might be asked to stand guard on a gate for an hour every morning to let personnel through, however once they have completed this task they are unlikely to achieve much more than changing the channel on their TV. The job simply requires a pair of eyes at one point in the morning, and the rest of the time they are simply on call.There is no enjoyment or form of learning with this job; the part time worker is simply there to take home some money at the end of the month, satisfying his basic needs for financial security, a mutual understanding between employer and employee. A large majority of the time there is little for the security guard to watch over. When something does arise that requires more attention, someone of highe r authority is only a phone call away.In this, theory X is the logical management style, as to use theory Y would mean a greater chance of mistakes being made by someone who doesn’t have the same experience and qualifications as the elected official. The other scenario is in a moment of chaos (Marcousse 2003). At this point, due to the limited time scale in such moments, someone needs to take full control and make quick decisive decisions. Such a case is easily understood when put into the confines of an army unit under fire.Someone must give direct orders to keep the enemy under pressure and move their men to safety, or face either death or capture. Theory Y would consume too much time to listen to all possible ideas and make a decision, with young men who have been trained to take orders rather than come up with them. Efficiency is the key in this scenario, Taylor would be completely right in giving total control to a senior soldier to try and ensure the safety of his soldi ers. Encouraging an employee to work for a great amount of time during the week or without the threat of danger
Friday, November 8, 2019
Stalin essays
Stalin essays Stalin did not demonstrate truly wise and honourable leadership of his country, and it was only because of the unstable nature of Europe at this time that the people of Russia trusted and put their faith in him. Stalin was the son of an alcoholic cobbler and a washerwoman, and was all too aware of the privileges of class. He came to loathe anyone wealthier than himself (he even annihilated the Kulaks, a wealthy peasant class) and was obsessed with a vision of liberating his native Georgia from the rule of the Tsars. Trotsky wrote that Stalins hatred of the oppressors was much stronger than his love of the oppressed, and even Lenin did not want Stalin to succeed him. Stalins has often been compared with Hitler, but while Hitler only left graves, devastation and degradation in Germany, Stalin turned a starving, destitute land into a powerful industrial state. However, this gain, and Russias increase in territory in Eastern Europe, came at enormous cost to the Russian people. To understand why Stalin led Russia in the way that he did after the war it is first necessary to go back and see how he operated during World War Two. When the Second World War broke out, Stalin decided to claim neutrality. His idea was that if all the countries of the world went to war with Germany by the end of the war they would all be financially and politically exhausted. Russia, having been at peace, could then rise to be the greatest power in the world and eliminate capitalism. When Stalin decided that it was actually in Russias interest to enter the war he intended to side with a nation(s) that opposed Nazi expansion, but due to his distrust of the west, he ended up as an ally of Germany. He considered Germany to be the lesser of two evils, and Nazi Germany offered him something he could not refuse when it took control of areas of Soviet interest and was willing to give the Baltic States and part of Poland to R...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
30 Baseball Idioms
30 Baseball Idioms 30 Baseball Idioms 30 Baseball Idioms By Mark Nichol The sport nostalgically known as â€Å"America’s Pastime†(though football now reigns supreme) is the source of many evocative idioms whose meanings now extend beyond the baseball diamond. Here are thirty of those phrases and their meanings when used past the warning track. 1. ballpark figure: a rough estimate 2. bat a thousand: a reference to a continuing series of successes, alluding to a baseball player who gets on base every time at bat 3. box score: a count or summary (from the chart on which a games statistical details are recorded; applicable to various sports but originating in reference to baseball) 4. bush league: a sports organization subordinate to the major leagues (referring to the usually rural locations of such teams; can apply to any sport but originated in reference to baseball) 5. curve ball: something unexpected (from the unpredictable trajectory of that type of baseball pitch) 6. go to bat for: support (from the notion of a batter contributing to his team) 7–8. hit a home run/hit one out of the park: be successful 9. in the ballpark: close; said of an estimate (compared to being within the confines of a stadium) 10–11. it’s a whole new ball game/different ball game: a reference to a changed situation 12. keep (one’s) eyes on the ball: maintain focus (compared to a batter concentrating on a pitch) 13. major league: significant, as in a reference to a company that is one of the leaders in its industry or line of business (from the fact that the major leagues are the pinnacle of achievement in sports) 14. off base: wrong, or on the wrong track (from the notion of a player not being in contact with one of the bases) 15. on deck: next in line (from the location designated for the next batter to await his turn) 16. out in left field: said of a person with an eccentric or unusual idea (from the idea of left field being a distant location) 17. out of (one’s) league: said of one who is trying to succeed in an area in which he or she faces superior competition or is striving to achieve too much (originally from baseball but applicable to many sports) 18. (hit it) out of the park: succeed (comparing a success to a home run) 19. pinch hitter: substitute (from the designation of a player taking another’s place at bat) 20. play ball: cooperate 21. play hardball: act aggressively (from the density of a baseball as compared to a softball) 22. rain check: a promise to make good on an offer (from tickets offered for rescheduled sporting events postponed by rain; originated in baseball but applicable to any outdoor sport or event) 23. softball: an easy, noncontroversial question 24. step up to the plate: take responsibility (compared to a player taking his turn at bat) 25. strike out: fail, especially repeatedly 26. strikes against (one): said of more than one disadvantage or mistake a person has against him or her 27. swing for the fences: perform with great effort or intensity (as compared to a baseball player trying to hit a home run) 28. three strikes and you’re out: a reference to someone being given three chances to succeed (analogous to the three strikes a hitter is allowed before being called out) 29. throw (one) a curve: surprise someone with something unexpected or not expected as presented (as compared to a curveball) 30. touch base: contact (compared to a player landing a foot on a base) Video Version Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Expressions category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:50 Incorrect Pronunciations That You Should AvoidExpanded and Extended20 Ways to Cry
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Profiling and Counter-terrorism Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Profiling and Counter-terrorism - Term Paper Example The document addresses four broad approaches of profiling; Crime Scene Analysis (CSA), Diagnostic Evaluation (DE), Investigative Psychology (IP), and Geographic profiling (GP), which employ various techniques of profiling in countering terrorist crimes and attacks. Keywords: Profiling, Crimes, Psychologists, Psychiatrists, Physical and Biological Evidence, Terrorism, Suspects, Offenders, Victims, CSA, DE, Geographical Profiling, IP, Crime Scene Introduction to Profiling and Counter Terrorism Investigations in criminal cases around the world have evolved with time to increase the chances of getting to the lead, which can aid private investigators and police teams to solve the case and catch the law offenders. Terrorism crimes are terrifying incidences and every nation’s federal and local government has to be prepared to handle such cases, either in prevention before or after terror occurrences. Some of these crimes tend to occur in various patterns that can be traced, studied, and enable police investigators know the offenders better. Despite the fact that the perpetrators nowadays carry out their unlawful acts after proper planning and execution, more scientific and advanced methods can still help in profiling. According to Muller â€Å"criminal profiling is the process of using available information about a crime and crime scene to compose a psychological portrait of the unknown perpetrator of the crime†(2000, p. 235). The personal behaviours and characteristics in the criminal cases enable the investigators in analysis of the scene, to be able to make a generalization or a prediction of the future incident. Terrorism cases entail forceful attacks to cause destruction among other threatening or injurious incidences. Sometimes, the victims of terrorism are found dead and their bodies act as centres of study, which give an insight as to why they were chosen as victims for the crime, as well as how the offender thinks and acts. The scene of the cri me can tell a lot of information based on crimes and perpetrators by analysing evidence of weapons and the choice of spot of crime if repeated. In most cases, profiling is used in serial crimes and on serial offenders who desire to sustain their own mythology. Profiling is not only a technique employed by antiterrorism units to counter terrorists threats and attacks, but provide these units in the security and defence departments of the government with necessary strategies they can adopt, while interrogating such offenders, since their psychological aspect has been studied. There are different approaches and types of profiling that enable investigators to narrow their search to possible number of suspected criminals. Types can be DNA, criminal, racial, offender, or victim focused among others that are techniques used in various approaches below. Approaches to Profiling Geographical profiling The approach deals with techniques that support in analysis of location linking to a series of crimes to produce leads on the locations of the offenders, or where they are coming from. Most of the geographical profilers use the network and communication systems to monitor, trace, and analyse the signals to spot the original locations. It has been made easier through
Friday, November 1, 2019
Listening in Communication Process Research Paper
Listening in Communication Process - Research Paper Example These include a situation where the listener is always smiling and nodding their head. Other features could include the listener looking directly at the speaker pretending to be keenly listening. 8 Monopolizing 9 This is the type of non-listening where the listener focuses the listening on themselves but not on the speaker. It is a very selfish form of listening where the listener occasionally tries to divert the topic of discussion to themselves 9 Selective listening 9 This involves the user selecting only a small portion of the topic of discussion. This happens because the listener cannot take in everything said. So they use this type of listening as a tool to filter out some parts of the conversation. 9 Defensive listening 9 This occurs when a person perceives a personal attack on them without intent of criticizing them. For example if someone tells somebody that they have lost weight, they may think that they are being insulted that they are fat but fact will be it was only meant to compliment them. 9 Literal listening 9 This involves the listener becoming insensitive to other peoples’ feelings. This is a type of ineffective listening where the listener ignores the relationship level of the meaning. ... (2011). Essential skills: Essential speaking and listening skills. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. 14 Antos, G. (2011). Handbook of interpersonal communication. The Hague, The Netherlands: Mouton De Gruyter. 14 Burstein, J. (2010). Have you heard?: Active listening. New York, NY: Crabtree Publishing. 15 Keyton, J. (2011). Communication and organizational culture: A key to understanding work experience. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. 15 Keyton, J. (2010). Case studies for organizational communication: Understanding communication processes. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. 15 1.0 Introduction Listening plays a very vital role in the whole communication process. Most people make a mistake of focusing on their speaking ability while forgetting the fact that it doesn’t necessarily mean good speaking will amount to good communication. The ability to listen keenly and effectively is also equally important. Importance of listening is well illustrated in our day to day activitie s and the people we interact with. For effective communication, we have to hear what the other person is saying and it is not just hearing because the acoustics are good or because the other person is speaking in a loud tone, we have to hear because we have taken time to listen carefully. Listening is an art that require to be calculated carefully and consciously. Unfortunately most education systems beginning right from kindergarten to college do not pay attention to equipping learners with effective listening skills. Poor listening is a major barrier to effective communication. It often leads to loss of messages due to wrong interpretation. Therefore listening will require conscious efforts in interpreting sounds, grasping
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Diversification of Portfolios in the Global Financial Market Essay
Diversification of Portfolios in the Global Financial Market - Essay Example The problem of domestic surplus also has its solution in the global market. With a greater number of buyers, investors will be able to sell what no one in their country will be willing to buy. Simply put, with more buyers and sellers now more interlinked with each other, globalization has given the financial market a global scope. With a greater scope arise complexities and more risks and seemingly ironic instances. As countries have become more interlinked, they begin to share similar reactions to economic shocks. While similar reactions may make it easier for market analysts to determine how the world will react to different economic shocks, the presence of varying political and economic systems in the global financial market make external and internal economic forces more unpredictable. Greater unpredictability simply means greater risks. Again, the simple solution to this risk is the placing of eggs into different baskets. One could argue that it is pointless to diversify portfol ios in a financial market where countries almost always react in similar ways. However, as Bordo (2000) explains, emerging markets are more susceptible to fluctuations, â€Å"bust and booms†he calls them, as the result of â€Å"open capital markets.†This implies that while one emerging economy may offer huge returns in a couple of days or weeks, investors still need to diversify their investments because it is difficult to determine how emerging economies will do in the longer runs. The disadvantages of portfolio diversification.
Monday, October 28, 2019
Stop smoking Essay Example for Free
Stop smoking Essay Whether you’re a teen smoker or a lifetime pack-a-day smoker, quitting can be tough. But the more you learn about your options and prepare for quitting, the easier the process will be. With the right game plan tailored to your needs, you can break the addiction, manage your cravings, and join the millions of people who have kicked the habit for good.Smoking tobacco is both a physical addiction and a psychological habit. The nicotine from cigarettes provides a temporary, and addictive, high. Eliminating that regular fix of nicotine will cause your body to experience physical withdrawal symptoms and cravings. Because of nicotine’s â€Å"feel good†effect on the brain, you may also have become accustomed to smoking as a way of coping with stress, depression, anxiety, or even boredom. At the same time, the act of smoking is ingrained as a daily ritual. It may be an automatic response for you to smoke a cigarette with your morning coffee, while taking a break from work or school, or during your commute home at the end of a long day. Perhaps friends, family members, and colleagues smoke, and it has become part of the way you relate with them. To successfully quit smoking, you’ll need to address both the addiction and the habits and routines that go along with it.While some smokers successfully quit by going cold turkey, most people do better with a plan to keep themselves on track. A good plan addresses both the short-term challenge of quitting smoking and the long-term challenge of preventing relapse. It should also be tailored to your specific needs and smoking habits.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Friendship Essay: The Consequences of Having Friends -- Friendship Essa
Having friends is a natural occurrence in most lives. The majority of people do not think of going anywhere without their friends, especially teenagers. Where these ordinary teens find their acquaintances is in high school. It is where friends are made and hold a substantial role in the students’ lives. High school students choose their friends for various reasons, and some of their choices may result in positive and negative effects. One effect of friends in high school is general influence. For example, peer pressure is an unfortunate, but predominant result of having companions. Several teens look for acceptance in the eyes of their peers. Consequently, they will go to great lengths in order to win their favor, allowing those they desire to befriend to control their actions. Another n...
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Hrm598 – Case Study 1
INTRODUCTION Given nine untitled job descriptions for the Whole Foods Market corporation, my assignment was to review them, give them appropriate job titles and assign a job structure, explaining my thought process and method of analysis. I was then to evaluate the job descriptions and provide feedback on what information was beneficial and what could be improved. EVALUATION OF JOBS After reading the job descriptions I assigned a job title that I felt both represented the job duties and aligned with the other Whole Foods job titles mentioned in the exercise.These are the job titles I originally decided on, prior to establishing a job structure. †¢JOB A: Deli Team Member †¢JOB B: Register Team Member †¢JOB C: Prepared Foods Team Leader †¢JOB D: Prepared Foods Assistant Team Leader †¢JOB E: Kitchen Team Assistant †¢JOB F: Grocery Assistant Team Leader †¢JOB G: Prepared Foods Associate Team Leader †¢JOB H: Regional Team Leader †¢JOB I: Grocer y Team Member ? JOB STRUCTURE When establishing the job structure, I realized there was no need for the department to be part of the title.Although the duties might be different depending on their assigned department, the level of responsibility was approximately the same and jobs could be considered one generic position (i. e. â€Å"Team Member†). Therefore, I made the positions more general in title and chose to conduct a basic ranking method in order to determine the job structure. WHOLE FOODS MARKET – STORE JOB STRUCTURE Regional Team Leader (Job H) Store Team Leader Associate Store Team Leader (Department) Team Leader (Job C) Associate Team Leader (Job G) Assistant Team Leader (Job D-Prepared Foods and Job F-Grocery) Team Member (Job A-Deli, Job B-Register, and Job I-Grocery)Team Assistant (Job E) PROCESS, TECHNIQUES AND FACTORS In my attempt to title each of the positions, I first simply read through the job descriptions multiple times, noting the job duties, lev el of responsibility and decision making and relationships to other positions, if any were mentioned. These relationships helped me to decide what appropriate titles would be for Whole Foods Market. Although my first set of job titles included â€Å"service clerks†in several positions, these were eventually changed to â€Å"Team Members†because of the obvious emphasis Whole Foods Market places on the team concept.Therefore, I chose to incorporate the word â€Å"team†into every title. When assembling the positions into an established job structure, the stated relationships between positions were key yet again. I wrote down every position mentioned, so that I could ensure my positions were accurately aligned and appropriately named in comparison to one another. I chose to look at knowledge, experience, responsibility/authority and leadership/guidance potential as the compensable factors which provide the most value. All of the positions have virtually the same work environment, which is why this factor was not considered.Similarly, customer service related attributes were also not selected, even though it is obviously a huge priority for the organization, because there were no positions where this was not the case†¦ all equally emphasize positive and courteous interaction with their customers. The above job structure was established by weighing the compensable factors of each position and considering any reporting relationships directly stated in the job descriptions. I believe that responsibility was the characteristic that clearly set the positions apart from one another.As you ascend the job structure you will find that each position has more responsibility, both in depth and breadth. Because of these additional job requirements, an advanced level of knowledge goes somewhat hand-in-hand. Higher level individuals must not only have greater in-depth knowledge of the Whole Foods Market policies and procedures, but they are involved i n a much wider scope of activities. Experience is a logical factor that also sets positions apart. A â€Å"team assistant†is an entry level job that requires no prior experience and is the kind of position that one expects an individual can learn as they go.A â€Å"Department Team Leader,†however, is expected to have already put some time in. They have learned process, procedure and the organization well enough to prepare them for the advanced responsibility. Finally, it seems as though Whole Foods Market places an emphasis on providing a career path for the employees, in order to encourage long term employment. This is emphasized by many positions requiring the provision of leadership and guidance to lower level positions. They want to encourage a strong relationship between all levels, to reinforce the team environment and ensure support of all employees.Although I have no doubt Whole Foods Market has a much more extensive job structure organizationally, this struc ture focuses specifically on an individual store location. Even the Regional Team Leader could probably be moved to another job structure focused more on organizational administration rather than individual store operations; however, I chose to limit the scope of my analysis to the given positions. EVALUATION OF JOB DESCRIPTIONS Overall, I think the job descriptions are fairly well written and provide a good base. They describe the scope of duties and what experience or skills are needed for each position.However, the main thing these job descriptions lack is consistency. Some clearly reference a relationship to other Whole Foods Market positions; some do not. Some state who they report to; some do not. Some clearly supervise, train and mentor other positions; some are not as clearly defined. Additionally, job duties in one job description which should probably apply to other positions as well, are not always listed (customer service, health and sanitation compliance, good communica tion skills, teamwork, knowledge of corporate policy and standards, etc). Something all of the job descriptions are missing is the applicable work environment.Although most of the positions will be performed in a similar environment, this information should still be provided. My suggestion to improve the job descriptions would be to establish a template that all positions would follow. The template would include the following categories: a brief summary of the position, the duties and responsibilities, who the position reports to, who the position supervises, the typical work environment, tools or equipment that will be used in the position, requirements for the position (knowledge, experience, education, skills, etc), and possibly a job classification.Job classifications are not a necessity but can be a good idea to distinguish between the fundamental types of job (i. e. entry-level, journey-level, mentor, supervisor, manager, executive, administrative, etc). CONCLUSION After my an alysis, I believe we have an excellent understanding of how the staff of a Whole Foods Market functions. It is clear that the organization highly values customer service and teamwork and wants to encourage â€Å"career†employees at every level.With the established job structure and implementation of the recommendations made to improve their job descriptions, positions would be more clearly defined. Employees would easily be able to understand every position, what it does, how it interacts with other positions and how to get there themselves. REFERENCES Milkovich, G. T. , Newman, J. M. , & Gerhart, B. (2011). Compensation, 10th Edition. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. Whole Foods Market. (n. d. ). Career Paths. Retrieved March 2013, from Whole Foods Market: http://wholefoods. com/
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Modernism in poetry Essay
Modernism. It is a direction of poetry, literature and art in general that uses and describes â€Å"new and distinctive features in the subjects, forms, concepts and styles of literature and the other arts in the early decades of the present century, but especially after World War I. †(Abrams 167) More often than not â€Å"Modernism†engages in â€Å"deliberate and radical break†(Abrams 167) with more traditional foundation of art and culture, established since XIX century. Here two poets of modernist age – T. S. Elliot and H. Crane – are compared to T. Hardy and G. M. Hopkins, a pair of contemporary classical poets. I’d like to begin the study with T. S. Elliot, the famous poet whose very name sounds like a synonym to word â€Å"modernism†. Elliot was and is the personification of modernism, and images and verses from his poems are remembered even today, and integrated in today works of literature and fiction. One can remember Steven King’s â€Å"Dark Tower†saga where images of Elliot’s works resurface frequently – in fact, one of King’s volumes of that saga is called â€Å"The Waste Lands†, obviously inspired by Elliot’s . For example, Elliot’s â€Å"The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock†had brought us a vision of a man whose world had split in and around himself, a lost person in search of love which can only be destructive and formidable for him. Since he is confined in the abyss of his own consciousness, reality is merely some kind of emotional experience for him. He can still observe the world around him, but psychologically he is alone, in the waste lands of unfertility and spiritual emptiness. Prufrock (the epitome of Elliot himself, or the reader) lets his thoughts and sentiments drift off incoherently. The external world around him, to which he is so sardonic, reflects his inner world, deprived of spiritual serenity. As he cannot get involved in a dialogue with the external world, only through the dramatic monologue can Prufrock whisper his intention : â€Å"Let us go then, you and I†(Norton Anthology of Modern Poetry, 242). Elliot wanted his hero (and the reader) to compare himself with a character of Dante’s â€Å"Inferno†. But while they are alike, their fates are different: While Guido has at least the courage to open up to Dante, Prufrock is too complacent and too inert to make that effort. His only confident can be his alter ego – a distorted reflection of himself in the mirror of outside world. He sees this person, and begs to him for unification – as if there can be an answer different from the one he gives himself†¦ Prufrock’s wisdom of the ages he seems to feel returns to him as cruel mockery. What, indeed, could be the meaning of â€Å"life, universe and everything†(D. Adams), if .. one, settling a pillow, or throwing off a shawl, And turning toward the window, should say: â€Å"That is not it at all, That is not what I meant, at all. †(Norton Anthology of Modern Poetry, 245). That Prufrock’s mawkish and evasive nature is shattered is delineated in the last ten lines of the poem. As the recurrent images of and references to the sea (â€Å"silent seas†, â€Å"mermaids†, â€Å"seagirls†) crop up more and more, Prufrock’s self-evasion becomes more marked. His psychic para1yis culminates when he realizes that even the mermaids will not do him a favor by singing to him; thus, all his source of possible inspiration fades away. (Norton Anthology of Modern Poetry, 245). He has never rea1ly been a religious man: he cannot, thus, expect Christ to restore him to a potent life, as was Lazarus restored to his. It is no wonder that while Prufrock is felt to be an epitome to all society of his times – so brilliant and so exquisitely empty inside. In modern times, his words had been referenced to in mockery by one of the most horrible machines the human mind had ever invented, Blaine the Mono: â€Å"In the rooms the people come and go. But I doubt that any of them is talking of Michelangelo†(King). Elliot’s other masterpiece, Gerontion, depicts a dream of memory. While Prufrock is at least â€Å"here†(even if he is unsure of his own location in the world), Gerontion’s hero is the time itself, sifted through the sieve of human memory. The observer is neither here not there, but the remains of memory, the dregs of time are spread before him – an enchanting display, but meaningless essentially. Elliot seems to ask – would the dregs of our own memory, if spread before some stranger, mean as little to him as these remains of one’s time mean to us now? All Elliot’s images are dark, broody and disturbing. They imply to ask – is it all? Can there be anything else around us, or are we lost eternally in the world which wasn’t mean for us? And, as Elliot hadn’t answered that questions himself, each reader must substitute his own answers and test their validity on Elliot’s words of man, world and time. Hart Crane is other example of modernist poets, his images are less brooding than Elliot’s and more defined, but the power they wield over us is intensified by their hidden meanings, unseen at first glance. Crane’s â€Å"Black Tambourineâ€Å" reflects on author’s own experience of time spent with some negro workers in a cellar. But the cellar expands in author’s view to the size of the whole world, and its closed door becomes the famous wall of the three Biblical judgments – MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN: â€Å"numbered, weighed and found wanting†. All universe seems to be contained between â€Å"here and now†– the dark cellar with tambourine on the wall – and mystical â€Å"somewhere†, where all human hopes end as â€Å"carcass, quick with flies†(Black Tambourine). â€Å"At Melville’s Tomb†brings dark and melancholy beneath which a memory of forces lingers that were bright and vicious once before – before the Death took its toll, equaling the furious Ahab and unnamed sailor. The image of the sea is indefinite and vague too, for it can be perceived as deep grave, or Death itself, or Sea of Time which will eventually give endless calm to every living being. In all modernist poetry, the concept of such multipart images and veiled references was honed and detailed up to its perfection. Now this is an instrument which is frequently used in literature and other spheres of life, such as advertising, but in times of T. S. Elliot and H. Crane it was a powerful innovation with which readers were stunned literarily. To compare with modernist poetry of Elliot and Crane, classical works by T. Hardy and G. M. Hopkins are selected. The classical English poetry of Thomas Hardy is more structured both in rhythm and meaning than modernist examples of Elliot and Crane. His poetry can be called â€Å"methodic†, for he explains methodically the one symbol which forms a poem. He explains it, details it, brings it before our eyes in maddeningly realistic manner, until the reader not simply understands it, but is enthralled by its vision. â€Å"Neutral tones†brings us a vision of lost love which turned into deadliness – the blank neutrality which opposes love and joy and happiness of life. The feelings deepen further with each stanza – from tranquility to blankness, to melancholy, and finally to utter despair. The concluding stanza forms the moral of the poem, adding to the finality of the sentence – what is lost in time, can never be found again. â€Å"The Darkling Thrush†is an example of more hopeful vision. Dedicated to the coming century, it is full with dark images of definite meaning: the gate as the gate of a new age (or a new Century), frost and Winter as Death itself that comes to all, and the land becomes a body which dies together with Century, for its time has passed. But the mere voice of the thrush changes the picture, illuminating it with some inner light of â€Å"blessed Hope†. And, while the reader (as the man who stands at the gates) is yet unaware of a definite knowledge of that Good Sign that only the bird has, he still accepts the bird’s song as a sign that there is hope for the future. Poetry of Gerard Manley Hopkins is yet another example of what classics had to offer then. His images are as definite as Hardy’s, if somewhat more fluent, and the moral is present too in his poems. â€Å"Spring and Fall†shows Margaret – a young girl who had realized for the first time that all things in life change and eventually die, that life is not permanent. A child’s mind can grasp concepts at levels they are not aware of, and understand something without ever having it explained. It is simple because of the innocent way the child absorbs the life itself. As an adult, one can see a subject or idea in a completely different way by viewing it through the eyes of a child. In the poem, Margaret looks at death and understands it symbolically, through the death of leaves to her own imminent demise. â€Å"God’s Grandeur†is another example of short and conclusive classical poetry. The tension in scenes of man-made destruction, pictured with vivid detail, is intensified by alliteration. Disturbing images of oozing oil and ever-repeating trod of countless generations result in deep, uncontrolled fear. But the conclusion opposes all said before by references to never-ending nature and God as its creator and protector. It states to us that God will as surely brings life after death and resurrection after destruction, as each day he brings the morning light after the dark of night. From fear of Man to hope in God – that is the meaning of the poem in general. To conclude the work, one should remind that modernist poets had learned to use their images from classical poetry. But, taking the basic elements and images from their predecessors, their works had transcended from single pictures (or contented stories explained to reader part by part) to grandiose intertwined canvases, full of elements and colors, or bottomless abysses of veiled hints and allusions. Certainly, the works of classics had formed the foundation for these magnificent creations of modernist poets, and without them the whole modernism in English literature would not be able to exist or progress. Works Cited Abrams M. H. A Glossary of Literary Terms. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Wilson, 1941 Hardy, Thomas. Wessex poems and other verses. New York: Harper, 1898. Hopkins, Gerard Manley. Poems of Gerard Manley Hopkins. London: Humphrey Milford, 1918. King, Stephen. The Waste Lands. Donald M. Grant, Publisher, Inc, 1991. Simon, Marc. The Complete Poems of Hart Crane. New York: Liveright, 1986. The Norton Anthology of Modern Poetry. New York and London:W. W. Norton & Company, 1988
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