Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Abraham Lincoln Speech Ethos Essay - 920 Words
Pathos, Logos, Ethos, and Tone Abraham Lincoln was perhaps one of Americas most influential presidents, because of his ability to abolish slavery. Lincoln’s second inaugural speech was given on March 4th, of 1865. The speech addressed the nation to talk about The Civil War, and reconstruction of the nation, along with the evils of slavery, and the return of the south. Logos, pathos, ethos, and tone were all crucial ingredients in Lincoln’s speech because they helped set the mood of the speech, connect to people from an emotional standpoint, provide credibility, and most importantly, provide logical explanation on why they should support him. There are many examples of pathos in Lincoln’s speech. Pathos is how Lincoln is persuading his†¦show more content†¦Another thing that he did to help is reference God a lot. Perhaps the quote that added the most credibility was, â€Å"The almighty has his own purposes.†. This adds to his credibility because ba ck in the 1800’s, everyone was genuinely religious and most people believed in God. By using God in his speech, he really got his word across to most people, and in the process, made himself sound more credible and smarter. Overall ethos is something that Lincon did not have to touch on as much, but he still used some devices to help him. Lastly, there is logos which Lincon used a lot of. Logos would be how he connects to his listeners/viewers throughout logical means. One of the ways that he does this is by again, bringing up lasting peace in this quote. â€Å"With malice towards none; †¦achieve and cherish a just and a lasting peace†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . This is logical and should connect with the people well because war means deaths, money spent, recourses used, possible loss, and family members leaving for war for long periods at a time. This should have been a big factor in helping people support him as president. Another smaller, but still important example is, â€Å"On e eight of the population were colored slaves†¦localized in the southern part of the nation†. This related to people because most of the people already do not support slavery,(which is why Lincon was elected in the first place;Show MoreRelatedRhetorical Analysis Of Abraham Lincoln s Gettysburg Address981 Words  | 4 Pagesâ€Å"Fourscore and seven years ago†¦Ã¢â‚¬ is the statement in which Abraham Lincoln started â€Å"The Gettysburg Address†.152 years ago, Lincoln delivered this well-known speech in front of an audience who was searching for help during a time of war. Some may believe it was not an inspiration why others will say it was. To some Americans, it might have even brought faith. 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